Premium Essay

Hum/111 Week 8 Toolwire


Submitted By teaton
Words 688
Pages 3
Title Examining Different Arguments Related to the Choice of a Career

Assessment Part A: Critically Evaluating an Argument
Build your mindmap.
Arts and Sciences (Advantage): Lots of flexibility in career choices: Overgeneralization
Arts and Sciences (Disadvantage): Leads to a career in food service –“Do you want fries with that?”: irrational appeal
Education (Advantage): The best way to make a difference in the world: overgeneralization
Education (Disadvantage): Guaranteed low paying job: either/ or thinking
Nursing (Advantage): People always will need nurses: logically sound
Nursing (Disadvantage): Too much schooling (according to Theo, the Law student): double standard
Information Systems and Technology (Advantage): No other degree concentration is as innovative (according to Grace): irrational appeal
Information Systems and Technology (Disadvantage): Too limited in scope for much advancement in business situation (according to Ritesh): Logically Sound
Business (Advantage): Infinite career options (according to Ritesh): Logically Sound
Business (Disadvantage): Boring work, stuck behind a desk all day: oversimplifying
Health and Human Services (Advantage): All the benefits of Arts and Sciences, but vastly more focused and relevant: Logically Sound
Health and Human Services (Disadvantage): Job options are all in very un-creative fields.: Irrational Appeal

Assessment Part B: Articulating the Steps Involved in Evaluating an Argument
Write out the two most compelling arguments you heard that affected your decision. Next, list one that you heard that had a big logical error in it, but which you still thought was important.
The most compelling components of the argument are that the work is very meaningful and this field has many opportunities from which to choose. Being meaningful is important because it means that I would be

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