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Submitted By yasah12
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Pages 4
[pic][pic]Preparation for AS / IB French [pic] [pic]

At AS/A2 and IB level you will be exploring topics in greater detail and moving to wider issues concerning society and the world around you. Some are very broad, for example, environmental issues, world disasters and the rise of new political powers. Other topics will remain personal in nature, such as healthy living, marriage, relationships and young people’s attitudes.

How will your work be different?
You will be expected to work more independently and take responsibility for your own learning. This will require you to research topics, form your own opinions and develop a much wider vocabulary.

Skills Required
Below are some of the skills that are needed to be successful at A Level and IB. You may already be competent in some of these, whilst your sixth-form course will help you to develop others further.

• To be well-informed • To be able to express opinions and reactions and to provide well-researched information • To be able to prepare a topic in detail • To respond fully when prompted, basing responses on factual knowledge • To be able to present a logical argument coherently and clearly • To be able to use abstract language • To show initiative and imagination • To use the target language spontaneously and with increasing fluency • To use formal as well as informal language • To use accurate pronunciation and appropriate intonation • To show knowledge of, and an ability to use, a range of structures • To use complex structures when appropriate

Your level of competence in these areas can be developed to a large extent through independent study and preparation.

What should I do now?
Your language GCSE will have given you a good background and understanding of French in day-to-day situations in both its written and spoken forms.

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