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Iggy's Bread of the World


Submitted By pallavigupta3005
Words 1341
Pages 6
Indian Institute of Management Indore

Report on “Iggy’s Bread of the World”

Submitted to
PROF. Shweta Kushal

Pallavi Gupta (2013PGP267)

Letter of Transmittal

Igor Ivanovic,
Chief Executive Officer
Iggy’s Bread of the World
2nd March, 2014

Dear Mr.Igor
Enclosed is the report on “Iggy’s Bread of the World” as required by your company. I have mentioned and analyzed various options based on certain important criteria and have suggested a suitable recommendation. The analysis and the recommendation are in the following pages.

For any further clarification, I would be available at my official IIM Indore Email ID.
Pallavi Gupta

Executive Summary

This report is presented to help Ivanovics decide on the further course of action for Iggy’s Bread of the World. The report first analyses the conflict between Ivanovics and McRae and the difference in their working style. Secondly it also looks into the importance of McRae to the organization and also the feasibility of McRae’s demand for a hike in compensation The report looks into the alternative course of actions that Ivanovics can take, analyses the pros and cons of each action and finally come up with a course of action. Finally it concludes with recommending that McRae should be fired, Ivanovics should hire a HR consultant to hire a new management to replace the existing one.

Table of Contents

S No | Content | Page No. | 1 | Executive Summary | 3 | 2 | Situation Analysis | 5 | 3 | Problem Statement | 5 | 4 | Options Generation | 5 | 5 | Criteria for evaluation of options | 6 | 6 | Evaluation of options | 7 | 7 | Recommendation | 7 | 8 | Action Plan and Implementation | 8 | 9 | Contingency Plan | 8 |

Situation Analysis
Igor’s Bread of the world started when Mr. Igor and Mrs. Ludmilla decided to merge

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