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Illegal Immigration Concept Paper- Grade (a)


Submitted By Tvon5432
Words 1898
Pages 8
A woman from Mexico named Maythe had no idea that when she crossed the border twice in the late 1900’s that it would have a severe impact on her life. She was a single mother with her young daughter in tow when she entered America illegally for a better future. She got caught twice with the border patrol in past years but eventually made her way in. Maythe got a minimum wage job at a Burger King, ended up falling in love with a U.S. citizen and thought that once they married she would be granted legal citizenship. Her husband fully aware of her illegal immigration status, decided to go underground with his new family, so they would not be separated for years if caught. After years of hiding from the law, Maythe was caught in 2010 for driving her vehicle too slowly and was handed directly over to Customs. With her American citizen husband of now 12 years and an American citizen child they share together, she thought they would have bigger problems on their hands then to send her back. She fought her case for months, eventually lost and was deported back to the country she fled all those years ago.

Maythe now lives in Tijuana, Mexico, alone, while her husband and children live in San Diego. She is banned from entering America for the next 20 years. Her family often takes the long drive, weekend after weekend, just to spend time with their wife and mother, to be a whole family again. Maythe knows without her family she will continue living a lonely life and wishes the illegal immigration laws in America would change (Amy Isackson).

With millions of illegal immigrants already here in the States and only a small portion of that amount are able to enter in legally, it’s no wonder they have such a massive effect on US citizens. It has been argued that illegal immigrants put strains on the economy of the country but they also have a major influence on

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