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Impact of Ict on Business - Internet & Www


Submitted By dylankerwick26
Words 302
Pages 2
What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
First off all, the internet is a global infrastructure that connects networks to other networks; it is essentially a network of networks. The reasoning for connecting network to network is to allow computers to communicate with each other for the sharing of information and data across the world.
Secondly, the World Wide Web (or ‘WWW’) is a tool used on top of the internet structure to allow information to be access or shared from multiple points across the internet. The way the internet communicates data is via a protocol known as HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) which is used by the World Wide Web to turn the data transmitted into readable media and text for the user.
So, what’s the difference? The internet is the network that connects other networks together so that information and data can be communicated to computers on a global scale. The way that the information is accessed by a user is through the tool known as the World Wide Web which is used on top of the internet. HTTP is a feature used by the World Wide Web to make sense of the communicated data.
The basic language most content is written in is HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) which is decoded by the HTTP protocol into media and text for the user to access.
Networks on the internet can be hosted locally in a Local Area Network (LAN) or across a large geographical area in a Wide Area Network (WAN). LAN networks are typically used in businesses, schools and organisations, where information needs to be accessed locally. However, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as BT and Sky, make use of a Wide Area Network to transmit their network access across the

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