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Influences in the Classroom


Submitted By twb072
Words 1062
Pages 5
Influences in the Teaching Enviornment
Grand Canyon University (EDU-450)

In any classroom there will be positive and negative influences in it. The way at which these negative influences are handled will have a lasting effect on the students learning process. There are a vast array of theories and styles to choose from to help and control these behaviors from getting out of hand. The main point to remember is to find a strategy that works well for each individual. I will be addressing 10 possible behavior problems and how they should be approached. What could be the most important aspect of trying to keep negative influences at a minimum is the teacher’s ability to connect with the students. The teacher needs to keep the students from becoming bored in the classroom. Once a student gets to the point of boredom they can start disrupting other students and even forget assignments that are given in class due to a lack of attention. To keep boredom at a minimum The Institute of Education Sciences recommends that modifying the learning environment as well as teach and reinforce new skills to the students is a key concept (Epstein 2008). This in my opinion translates to the teacher needs to be able to recognize when a possible situation can occur and be able to change before the possible problem arises. The teacher could just offer some alternative actions to those who might become a possible disruption. Teachers sometimes tend to forget that a students need to be accepted by their peers is a strong force. Some negative behaviors could arise because of this. Students can act out in class just for the since of feeling that they will be accepted by a certain group or get a reputation of a rebel or clown. According to the text William Glasser’s Discipline Guided by Choice theory is covered and this theory states that the

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