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Submitted By MABDALL
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Today we will work to analyze the adaptive challenge facing an organization, the readiness for ‎change and tools used to help support and prepare for change. We will use HCL as a case study and ‎Mr. Nayar leadership style as an example.‎
The greatest demand on new era organization is to face adaptive challenges. Organization ‎generates new cultural norms that enable people to meet ongoing stream of adaptive challenges. ‎Adaptive challenges demand leadership that can engage people in facing challenging realities and then ‎changing at least some of their priorities, attitudes, and behaviors in order to thrive in changing world. ‎‎“It’s working” should never be the primary reason to avoid change. We should ask this question ?what is the change ? Change is an inherent component ‎of capacity building in organizations larger environment(Ron Edmondson,2011). People don’t resist ‎change they resist being changed and they did not fear a new idea, what it fears is a new experience. ‎‎(Jay Derago, 2012).‎
HCL faced many challenges and they were able to Adapted successfully because their leader ‎was prepared for that change and he works with them as one team to adapt the challenges .‎
Mr. Nayar came with many new ideas and these ideas consider not only as changes but more than ‎revolution so many many challenges faced them and we will go through few of them .‎
CEO , Employees and U&I ‎
CEO office is one of Forbidden areas according the old schools and no one can dare to dream and ‎contact his CEO ( Specially in culture like India and Far East ) .Nayar removed that wall and invent U&I ‎portal . The goal with U&I had been to create transparency and thus build trust .It helped to make the ‎CEP accessible and open. All the employees were able to send question to Nayar and will get the ‎answer. New practice that even Nayar himself asked them questions and they answered him. It was ‎one of the changes to build the transparency .It was not easy as people their grow up with an idea that ‎CEO office is a holy place and no one can be in risk to ask his CEO a question .By time Nayar as ‎innovator leader succeed to change this old school legacy (Nayar,2010).‎
Employee Fist, Customer Second ‎
Old school said Customer is first but Nayar came with new invention EFCS. He said let us take care for ‎our Employees , our employees will take care for our customers then our customer will spend their ‎money with us and will take care for our shareholders .It is simple when we write the formula but it is ‎so hard to be implemented in the real life . It was a bold step and a huge change .Nayar faced real ‎challenge , he got few YES and many BUTS .It is a good idea BUT our employee ready to for this change ‎‎?it is a good idea BUT we can believe in our employees ability ? It is a good idea but may be our ‎customers would misunderstand this new philosophy ? and hundreds of BUTS .Nayar used his ‎leadership skills by good plans , good understanding , professional observation and his believe in his ‎employees to face this challenge ,‎
Recasting the role of CEO ‎
Nayar believed in his employees ability as everyone will be CEO from his/her position .It was a new ‎idea and great change .He faced many challenges as change is not easy to be accepted usually .They ‎asked him how you will give your CEP role to your employees ?are they professional enough to carry ‎the responsibility and many questions but his willing to success wins. (Nayar, 2010).‎
Open the window of financial information.‎
HCL management did things which never done before and attempt things that other companies had ‎not tried. It was another Bold Step. HCL employees had access to the financial information that ‎pertained to their own projects, but they had no way of knowing how their business unit and the ‎whole organization were doing. Nor could they compare the performance of their team to that of ‎others in the company. Nayar asked this question “What if we allowed everybody to see all the ‎business units' and the company's financial data? Wouldn't that be an important step toward greater ‎transparency? Wouldn't it help build a culture of trust—showing that we had nothing to hide and were ‎willing to share both the good and the bad?”‎
He got many Yes and many Buts. Two challenges faced him .The first one was his employees reaction ‎when they discovered that they were not doing as well as their managers had been telling them. The ‎second challenge was what would happen if the information leaked out to the press or what if their ‎competition got hold of it.‎
He faced these challenges but TRUST his employees. And agreed that let them try as how can they ‎know how steep the hill is without seeing the road.‎
As a result we can say that the real challenges were Trust, Transparency, Centralization and Decentralization (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 2010). He should trust his employees or not, He should share with them all the company ‎info or not , and to give them real empowerment or not. He was able to adapt the challenges because he has ‎future insight ,he believes in his employees and he believes that change should be done .‎

Hickman, Gil (2013) Leading Organizations Perspectives for a New Era 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications
Nayar, Vineet (2010). Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside down. Chapter 4. Boston, MA Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation
Trompenaars, Fons and Hampden-Turner, Charles (2010). Riding the Waves of Innovation. New York, NY McGraw Hill
Ron Edmondson,To Change or Not to Change…That is A Good Question (2010).Retrieved from ‎
Jay Deragon,what is required to lead change successfully(2012) .Retrieved from

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