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International Organizational Behavior Outlines


Submitted By earlmitchell10
Words 2456
Pages 10
Phase 1 Individual Project OB 1 * Describe situations and organizational variables that impact employee morale. * Explain, using examples, the impact of individual perception on morale. * Discuss how employee empowerment and decision-making autonomy impact morale. * Develop recommendations for initiative that organizations can implement to positively affect employee morale.

Organizational Politics, It's Moderators and Impact on Work Attitudes, Work Outcomes and at large on the Organization.
1. Introduction:
Organizational politics fulfills the self-serving interests of the employees sometimes even at the cost of organizational performance. The literature review looks at the different aspects and impacts of the organizational politics.
The company politics decreases the first-rate management, good quality schedules, and good spirits or morale. These things are directly and positively related to some other things too, hence when these (the above-mentioned) things are adversely affected; they also impact good communication, quality of individual performance, technical success and eventually commercial success. Another interesting finding of which the managers need to be well aware of is that politics can emerge due to the increase in the commercial success and hence more commercial success leads to more politics, which (politics) in turn through different routes reduces the commercial success and therefore the decrease in the commercial success causes lower politics. (Voyer, 1994)
The organizational politics is associated with various work outcomes like performance assessment and extrinsic successes of the employees. (Higgins, 2003) It is also related to Job satisfaction, turnover intentions, organizational commitment and citizenship behavior (Randall, 1999), Job dedication and interpersonal facilitations (Witt, 2002)
Several studies show

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