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Internship Report on Ucb Service Marketing


Submitted By tanvirhappyface
Words 6446
Pages 26
BRAC Business School

Internship Report On “Analysis of United CommercialBank‟s (UCB) Service Marketing”


Internship Report On “Analysis of United Commercial Bank’s (UCB) Service Marketing”

Submitted to:
Anahita Ahmed Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University

Submitted by:
Nazdia Sarwar ID- 07104094

Date of Submission :25th September, 2011


September25 ,2011

To Anahita Ahmed Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Madam,

It gives me enormous pleasure to submit the internship report on Analysis of United Commercial Bank’s (UCB) Service Marketing as per the supervisor instruction. I expect this report to be informative as well as comprehensive. Working in United Commercial Bank was an inspiring experience for me. I feel the immense knowledge and experience will facilitate me a lot in my future career life. With my limited knowledge, I have tried my level best to prepare the report worthwhile.

Your acceptance and appreciation would surely inspire me. For any further explanations about the report, I will be gladly available to clarify the ins and outs.

Sincerely Yours,

---------------------Nazdia Sarwar ID – 07104094



I have completed my internship in U nitedC ommercialBank atUttara Branch from April 24th to July 30th. My internship report won‟t be possible without contribution of few people.

At first I desire to express our deepest sense of gratitude of almighty Allah.

With profound regard I gratefully acknowledge my respected teacher Ms. Anahita Ahmed, Lecturer, BRAC Business School ,BRAC University for her generous help and day to day suggestion in the process of my internship report.

Next I would like to show my gratitude towards Mrs. Jahanara Ahmed, the Senior Executive Officer, General Banking Department In-charge along with

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