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Stock Market in Bangladesh


Submitted By mashrur01
Words 8586
Pages 35
Mercantile Bank Limited


I.1 Mercantile Bank Ltd at a glance

Mercantile Bank Limited is one of the famous & oldest private banks in Bangladesh. It is a scheduled private commercial Bank established on May 20, 1999 under the Bank Company Act 1991 by Mr. Abdul Jalil (MP), & registered as a Public Limited Company under Companies Act, 1994. The Bank started commercial Banking operations for both organizations & individuals from June 02, 1999. From then within a short time MBL established itself in a strong position in the economy of the country having 35 branches all over the country. It has earned significant reputation in the country’s Banking sector as a Bank & created a wide image in the eye of the people by helping people in investing their money earn profits & serving different organizations to save their money is secured place along with investing in different other businesses for profit, organizational development, country’s economic growth & exchanging money & dealing international business in foreign currency. The dream of creating MBL, which is ‘A Bank of 21st Century’, & fulfilling its will to become “Banglar Bank” as its title says has become successful because of the initiative of some persons who are the sponsors of MBL. There are 30 sponsors in Mercantile Bank Limited and all of them are highly regarded for their entrepreneurial competence.

Mercantile Bank Ltd. has consistently turned over good returns on Assets and Capital. Until the year 2008, the bank has achieved an operating profit of Tk. 3847 million and its capital funds stood at Tk. 7859 million. Out of this, Tk. 1054 million represents retained earnings and Tk. 2844 million consists of paid up capital by shareholders. Even after the business environment and default culture, quantum of classified loan in the bank is very insignificant and stood at less than

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