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Internship Report


Submitted By kemibonita
Words 2955
Pages 12
Faculty of business and administration

REG NO: S1324/1003

Internship report submitted to
The faculty of business and administration in partial fulfillment for the
Award of a bachelor’s degree in project planning and entrepreneurship

April 2015

Agency supervisor NAME…………………………….. SIGNATURE……………………..


I kemihingiro Bonita declare that this internship report is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution for any award of a Bachelors’ Degree in Project planning and entrepreneurship Signed …………………………. Date …………………………

This is to certify that this internship report by kemihingiro Bonita has been carried out at mukono district local government
He has been under my supervision and the internship report is now ready for submission to the faculty of Business studies at Uganda Christian University. Name ……………………………… Signature …………………………… Date…………………………….


I dedicate this piece of work to my grandfathers, Brothers, Sisters and Friends for the continued support and encouragement both financially and academically throughout my course of study.

Like any other report, is not well presented by the name of a single author, rather its contents reflect the contribution from various sources without anyone of which the report would certainly have been much more difficult and of a lesser quality. I thank the Almighty God for making it possible for me to accomplish this internship report. Special thanks for the knowledge, wisdom, courage and determination God granted me.
I extend my sincere appreciation to my guardians who supported me financially throughout the course of study.
I also extend my gratitude to my friends of MUKONO DISTRICT LOCAL

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