Premium Essay



Submitted By berniexiong
Words 564
Pages 3
Zhixing Xiong
Information System 309
Technology Report
EHR Software
Without being healthy, you can hardly enjoy other things, so Physicians and nurses are here to take care of patients. Therefore, while taking well care of patients, getting paid is also important for health care professionals. In statistics, the entire United States has a great amount of more than 1.7 trillion dollars allocated in health care industry. There are still many areas that in health care industry need to be improved. Medical billing process system is one of the big sections and directly determines the benefits of all roles in health care industry.
The traditional of doing medical billing that is still being used by many small practices and physicians is considered time-wasting, low-cost efficiency, and error making to compare with new idea of EHR. Before the idea of EHR came out, when a patient visits a doctor, doctor will record medical procedure that has done to that patient and the patient’s diagnosed health problems on patient encounter. Then, the doctor has to hire someone deliver the patient records to hired medical billing company. After medical billers receive and file the patients’ doctor visits records to insurance, the whole process for a doctor getting paid is almost three or more weeks later after patient’s visit. Excluding other disadvantages, this is how complicate and time wasting the traditional way is. EHR stands for electronic health record is a record in digital format that is capable of being shared across different health care settings, by being embedded in network-connected enterprise-wide information systems. In other words, EHR does medical billing electronically. Now, the long waited medical billing process time can be dramatically shortened. It can maximally cut down

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