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Introduction to It


Submitted By taccmndr
Words 4524
Pages 19
David W. Dumond
Introduction to IT (IT190-1502B-06)
June 17, 2015

Individual Project(s)

Contents Section 1: Information Systems Overview 3 Section 2: Information Systems Concepts 7 Section 3: Business Information Systems 11 Section 4: System Development 15 Section 5: Information Systems and Society 17 References 20

Section 1: Information Systems Overview
The York County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency tasked with the regional enforcement of state criminal and motor vehicle statutes. The sheriff’s office also serves as the York County public safety answering point (PSAP). Calls for service are received at the PSAP and then dispatched via radio and computer terminal to law enforcement officers assigned to respond.
Leading up to the use of Information Systems such as computer aided dispatch (CAD) the PSAP relied on radio’s to communicate information to the law enforcement officers. With the development of CAD and Record Management Systems (RMS) the sheriff’s office recognized the value of these systems and in 2007 adopted IMC CAD+RMS (Information Management Corporation CAD+RMS, 2007).
IMC is a multifaceted information dissemination system utilized by dispatchers in the PSAP, emergency responders and their records management departments. IMC utilizes a closed stand-alone network and was developed for emergency management services such as fire, rescue and law enforcement departments. It is expandable and can be provisioned based on the client’s specifications.
Municipalities and public safety departments share some common systems’ needs but also have unique needs such as record management documentation which need to be considered when selecting systems that best fits their needs. To ensure they selected the system that best fit their needs, The York County Sheriff’s Office identified the departments which would be responsible for supporting as well as using the system and obtained a “wish list” of what they expected and wanted in a CAD and RMS system. Each department was provided an overview of CAD and RMS systems capabilities based on their role. For example the Information Technologies department was provided systems minimum specifications requirements and operating platforms whereas fire, EMS and law enforcement departments were provided a more basic “what can CAD/RMS do for you” overview. Each was given the task of developing a “wish list” of systems requirements.
Using the “wish lists” each department provided the York County Sheriff’s Office generated a specifications sheet outlining the necessary systems requirements. The leading CAD, RMS vendors able to meet the minimum systems requirements were then invited to present their product and attend a question and answer session. Each session was attended by representatives of the departments that would be using or supporting the system. Attendees were also selected to represent a broad user spectrum such as basic “users” as well as system administrators.
After all vendors had opportunity to present and answer questions the sheriff’s office selected the systems they felt best fit the agencies needs and invited them to participate in agency testing. Each department participated in a revolving test of the selected systems after which they were asked to provide an evaluation of the tested systems. A request for pricing document was generated and sent to each of the participating vendors and each vendor provided opportunity to ask questions to better understand the sheriff’s office need’s and assist the sheriff’s office in selecting the requirements that best fit their need. The sheriff’s office used this information to select the IMC system. Selection was based on product use, ease of use, functionality, durability, required support (system) needs and cost.
Early in the process the sheriff’s office identified the departments and levels needed to support use of the IMC system. The most important department in setting up the necessary network was the information technologies (IT) department. IT support was required to build a stand-alone network on which the CAD system would operate and liaison with cellular carriers to wirelessly transmit data between the PSAP and public safety responders. IT support was also necessary in setting up links to permit routing of information such as email systems interfacing, records transmission and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) tracking. IT is also assigned the continuous task of maintaining, repairing and updating the IMC system and its supporting systems.
The vendor also played and continues to play a significant role in supporting the IMC system. The vendor assisted IT in software installation, programming and setup as well as trouble shooting any system failures. The vendor working with IT and each department provided perhaps the most important of support functions; training. Vendor support is not just limited to initial use and set up but is necessary to keep up with the ever changing system updates and upgrades. Additionally, the vendor supports the users by developing requested programming changes to meet each agencies system’s needs.
The IMC system also requires support from the Records Management Department. Records Management is responsible for collecting and maintaining required records such as Uniform Crime Reporting data and criminal investigation reports. To support the IMC system records management works with IT and the vendor to communicate changes in law of reporting requirements to ensure data is properly collected and routed by the RMS component of the IMC system.
The Vehicle Maintenance Department also supports the IMC system. Vehicle Maintenance is responsible for installing vehicle hardware used by the IMC system such as in car repeaters, vehicle terminals and antennas. With each new vehicle added to the fleet of emergency responders Vehicle Maintenance must install all the necessary IMC equipment as well as removing it from decommissioned vehicles. Often they are called upon to repair hardware damaged in use.
With IMC in place, supported, and in use, the sheriff’s office undertook a testing program to determine IMC system(s) effectiveness. Initially each user was provided an automated survey to measure ease of use, reliability, functionality and capabilities. Surveys were collected weekly and compared to key point indicators such as report accuracy, statistical data accuracy, time to task completion and support requests. A running dialog was maintained between users and IT staff to identify areas for improvement and potential failure points similar to a BETA test. Ninety days after IMS implementation a series of user meetings were held where users and support personnel were able to attend and provide system feedback. The sheriff’s office maintains a quality control program to measure ease of use, reliability, functionality and capability. Data is collected monthly and compared to each of the key point indicators.

Section 2: Information Systems Concepts
There are two types of networks that allow interconnectivity between computers; Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN).
Local Area Networks are smaller networks most often used in a small geographical area such homes, businesses and schools to connect and share resources such as printers, files and games. An LAN is typically controlled and managed in house by its owner and is connected using a network media such as networking hub and file server to connect computers and systems. LAN’s require fewer components to set up and are generally less expensive to operate and maintain and have greater security. LAN’s utilize a higher bandwidth and have higher data transfer rates with less congestion. One LAN can be connected to other LAN’s across long distances using telephone lines or radio.
Wide Area Networks as the name suggests cover a larger geographical area such as cities, states and countries. Wide Area Networks are used widespread connectivity and allow users to connect regardless of location. A WAN typically requires the use of two or more LAN’s to be connected over public internet, third party telecommunications or satellite. Given the scope of a WAN and number of users and transmission media it is generally at greater risk for loss of data, hacking and theft.
The York County Sheriff’s Office occupies two buildings in close proximity to one another and a fleet of approximately fifty vehicles which share four internal data base management systems. When comparing LAN and WAN systems the LAN appears to be the system which would best fit the needs of The York County Sheriff’s Office. The LAN offers greater security; greater data transfer rates, tends to have fewer problems associated with it, experiences fewer data transmission errors and is less expensive. Appealing is the ease in which the LAN can be maintained and controlled by onsite technical staff. Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi Alliance, 1999, Austin, TX) is a wireless communication median that utilizes radio waves much like cellular phones to transmit data to and from Wi-Fi compatible devises. Wi-Fi systems are often referred to as Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). They utilize a wireless router to receive radio waves from Wi-Fi devices which are then translated to data and sent to the internet using a wired Ethernet connection. Data received from the internet is translated into radio waves by the router and transmitted to Wi-Fi devices.
Wi-Fi is widely utilized and often found in homes, businesses, schools and the travel industry. Wi-Fi compatible devices detect Wi-Fi access points also known as “hot spots” and alert the user to their presence. The user is able to access the WLAN to transmit and receive data from the internet. Multiple user are able to access the internet at the same time using a single Wi-Fi networks however if too many users are utilizing the network or the router(s) fails users may face interference, slowing or loss of connection.
The sheriff’s office did not adopt Wi-Fi without a great deal of consideration and research. A major consideration in deciding whether or not to adopt Wi-Fi use was the risk in allowing access to our LAN. Hacking is a concern for anyone using a WLAN even with the invent of safeguards such as Wi-Fi Protected Access (WAP) and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) hackers using readily available software may still be able to monitor and intercept internet data.
While network security was the greatest issues associated with permitting Wi-Fi access other issues such as information content accessed on our Wi-Fi network were also considered. Users utilizing an open Wi-Fi network to access the internet would have unrestricted access to any information available on the internet. Arguably the Wi-Fi provider is liable for the misuse of information obtained through their network. This is compounded by the fact the sheriff’s office is a law enforcement agency and the network would be utilized in a corrections setting.
It was felt proper precautions could be undertaken such as a standalone (guest) Wi-Fi network, strict firewall protocols and network access monitoring to accommodate Wi-Fi access. Like many businesses the sheriff’s office determined Wi-Fi networks an appropriate and useful median for obtaining and sending information via the internet. For example the sheriff’s office manages the county corrections department which houses over three hundred detainees. A network (WLAN) using Wi-Fi technologies is available to visitors to communicate public information such as visitation times, policies, court dates and a record of detainees. Detainees also have restricted use of Wi-Fi to access Medias such as digital libraries to conduct legal research. These greatly reduce the number of calls to the sheriff’s office and need to move detainees increasing physical security and productivity.
Telecommuting is the use of mobile telecommunications technologies such as radio, telephone, and Wi-Fi to conduct business from remote locations such as their home and displaces the need for the employee to commute to a central place of work. Telecommuting is facilitated with tools such as conference calls, video conference and voice over IP (VOIP) systems to attend meetings remotely and reduces travel time and costs. LAN’s also support the telecommuter’s ability to share resources such as company management information systems and data base management systems.
Telecommuting relies on telecommunications technologies to accommodate the employee’s ability to work remotely. Technologies such as Wi-Fi and cellular communication mediums are often open and may not have appropriate security safeguards to prevent data, information or communication loss. Companies and employees need to be aware of the security risks posed in the use of telecommunications technologies to access internal network systems and systems. Many companies have adopted the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to provide a point to point connection and use of encryption to allow employees to work securely.
Telecommuting may not be appropriate for all organizations and businesses or may only be utilized by a limited number of employees based on job descriptions. Public Safety departments such as the York County Sheriff’s Office rely on the employee’s physical presence and ability to respond to emergencies which cannot be undertaken using telecommuting technologies. However limited telecommuting by support personnel such as Human Resources and Information Technologies employees has shown itself to be appropriate and effective in meeting the agency’s needs.

Section 3: Business Information Systems
Businesses utilize a variety of information systems to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in meeting the company’s goals. Enterprise systems are just one of the types of information’s systems used by companies to share information across each of the management levels and provide key data.
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are one type of enterprise system. Transaction Processing Systems can best be defined as a system that collects and stores data about transactions or decisions made as a part of a transaction. Examples of the type of transaction activity may be use of a credit card, making a reservation or using an automated teller machine (ATM) to withdraw cash.
TPS data is processed in in one of two ways; batch processing or real time processing. Batch processing gathers the information and stores it until it is processed later and is often used for transactions such as invoicing or checks in a banking system. Real time processing processes the collected data immediately and permits the user to access an online database such as bank account balance when making a withdrawal from an ATM.
TPS is critical in customer satisfaction for its ability to provide the customer key information important to them such as accurate and timely shipment tracking information for products ordered. TPS plays a key role in companies’ ability to meet customer expectations as well. EchoStar utilizes TPS data to track shipments and ensure timely delivery, accountability for lost shipments within its distribution system or during contracted shipping. EchoStar also uses TPS data to determine if the data collected is correct and valid. For example EchoStar uses numeric values to identity inventory items. If a user enters an alpha value or does not enter the appropriate number of numeric values it will invalidate the entry and avoid errant processing of the order. Transaction Processing Systems are not limited to customer transactions and are often used to update business records such as inventory, payroll, time sheets and purchase orders.
Although TPS does not provide information to support EchoStar’s decision making it does provide information valuable to Management Information and Decision Support systems they utilize. Nearly every business successfully utilizes TPS in its daily operation to process payroll, control inventory, process account transactions and payments. EchoStar for example utilizes TPS data to process customer orders for set top boxes and accessories. The TPS data is then utilized by Management Information’s Systems to gain information about products in highest demand. The knowledge gleamed from the information is utilized to support marketing strategies and future product development.
Management Information Systems (MIS) are systems which serve as the collection point for information about people, technology, organizations and the relationship among them. The information gathered is utilized by the business managers and can be tailored to fit their needs and that of the business. A great deal of the internal data provided an MIS comes from the TPS while external data is provided by customers and suppliers.
EchoStar utilizes MIS information such as key indicator reports, demand reports and exception reports to help the company identify their strengths weaknesses from factors such as the presence of revenue, inventory flow and employee performance records.
Companies such as EchoStar utilize MIS information to meet the needs of each department’s role function; marketing, development, manufacturing, marketing and financial to improve efficiency and effectiveness of their decision making. MIS is distinct from other systems as they are used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities. The MIS provides information valuable in providing an overall picture of the company and acts as a communication and planning tool.
The availability of data provided by the customer assists companies such as EchoStar to align its business plan and processes to the needs of the customer and improve customer satisfaction. Effectively managing this information assists EchoStar develop direct marketing strategies and promotional activities.
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are information systems that support the organizational decision making activities at the management, operational and planning levels. The DSS assist mid and higher level management in making decisions about problems that are rapidly changing or easily specified in advance (unstructured). The DSS is usually comprised of three basic components in each structure; a database which contains the required knowledge for an informed decision, the decision model or user input criteria and the user interface.
The DSS is used as a tool to facilitate the organizational processes of a company. Often the DSS combines with other analytical techniques containing traditional data and retrieval methods such as MIS. It is a flexible and adaptive median to accommodate the environmental (market) changes they face and their decision making approach. EchoStar utilizes am interactive software based system to compile useful information from documents (reports) to identify problems and make decisions to solve them.
EchoStar’s DSS utilizes a frame work which incorporates intelligence, design, choice and implementation. The DSS searches for conditions (abnormities), develops and analyzes options to solve them, chooses a course of action and adopts them in the means of a decision. The DSS system employed by EchoStar (self-developed) permits the system to be changed or re-designed where necessary to obtain the desired outcome. Common changes or re-designs are designed to accommodate the factors (data) being input; characteristics to analyze. EchoStar’s most common use of the DSS relies on the executive dashboard to identify negative trends and develop effective allocation of resources. (i.e. development and manufacture).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term utilized to reference technology systems that demonstrate characteristics of intelligence. It can include data systems, robotics, learning systems and resources used in the development of AI systems. AI is incorporated in nearly every household and business environment through the use of vision (video gaming), learning (distance learning programs) and language (automated calling) processing systems.
AI systems at EchoStar are nearly endless and utilized daily by its employees. Examples of AI system use include touch screen computers, robotics used in manufacture, computer generated imaging in commercials, voice recognition, interactive learning systems and use of on line search engines.
Through the use of business information EchoStar gained knowledge that identified a consumer market opportunity for home security. EchoStar utilized AI systems in its development, manufacture and operation of a home security system. The home security system utilizes AI technologies for user voice recognition, camera (visual) integration and television interface. AI systems allow the user to monitor interact with their home security system through AI medians such as their television, lap top, cell phone and tablet.

Section 4: System Development
Faced with the task of developing a Web-based customer tracking system developers may consider using a waterfall or prototype model. A waterfall model as its name suggests is a sequential design process used in developing software which “flows” downward. Waterfall models are best utilized for small projects where the requirements are certain. In the waterfall model each phase in the process must be complete before you can proceed to the next phase. Each phase has specific deliverables and is easy to use, manage and understand. Typically project resources and expertise are freely available. The waterfall model utilizes accurate documentation of each step and phase in the development process but does not easily allow reflection or revision especially late in the process.
Unlike the waterfall model the prototype model are most often used in the development of an approximation of the final product which is built, tested and re-worked as necessary until the final product can be developed. The Prototype model differs from the waterfall model in they are used when not all the project requirements are known ahead of time. The prototype model is an interactive trial and error process relying on developer and user interaction and feedback. Prototype models do have process steps but unlike the waterfall model one step does not have to be complete before moving to the next. Prototype models by their nature are flexible and utilize end user feedback to accommodate reflection and revision throughout the process. Let’s assume our Web-based customer tracking system will be developed using a waterfall model and discuss each phase of the process. The first stage in the waterfall model development process is the “Requirement(s) Analysis”. In the requirement phase all of the requirements for the system being developed are captured and documented. The requirements are not uncertain or ambiguous.
The second phase in the waterfall model is “Design”. In the design phase the requirements from the requirement phase are studied and a design is prepared which helps define the overall system architecture.
The third phase in the waterfall model is “Implementation”. In the implementation phase the system begins development in small programs (units) which will be integrated into the system in next phase.
The fourth phase is “Testing” (verification). In the testing phase the units are tested, debugged and then integrated into the system. Once the units have been tested and integrated into the system the system is tested. Once testing has been completed the system is released (“Deployed”) to the market or customer.
The final phase in the process is “Maintenance”. In the maintenance phase patches are released to address any issues that arise after release to the market or customer. The maintenance phase includes the release of updated system versions.

Section 5: Information Systems and Society
Hacking is often referred to as one of the largest threats organizations face throughout the world. In the wake of recent security breaches taking place at large corporations such as; J.P. Morgan Chase, Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Apple ( Retrieved June 17, 2015) organizations have become increasingly aware of the risks to their systems and network infrastructures. “Hacking” defines unauthorized users (hackers) gaining access to systems or networks for a variety of reasons depending on their objective. Many hackers use a common means cyber-attack to break into organizations.
One of the most common ways a hacker utilizes to steal an organization’s data is “Phishing”. Hackers send an email or instant message which has an attachment or link to a website. Often the email or instant message is scripted to the targeted recipient. For example hackers may send an email to a recipient in sales asking for information on products. Once the recipient opens the attachment or link it exploits vulnerabilities in the systems application. Malicious software (malware) opens up a communication channel allowing the hacker to browse, control or retrieve information from the system. The infected system may be used as a median to get into other machines within the network.
System breaches can be prevented to a great extent if proper security measures are taken at the right time. Safeguarding measures may include user awareness. With proper awareness and training users are better prepared to recognize anonymous or fictitious emails or instant messages and refrain from opening attachments or links. Additional protective measures may include disabling auto run in Windows and installing anti-virus software. Anti-virus software should be updated regularly to ensure up to date versions are installed to keep pace with the latest viruses.
Most organizations have telecommuters and the ability for workers to log into corporate systems remotely. Workers utilize a user name and password to access the organizations systems. To obtain passwords hackers run simple, lower case password combinations or send users fictitious emails instructing the user to select a link to reset their email. Once hackers have the users password they are able to access the organizations systems.
The majority of cyber-attacks are the result of weak passwords. Organizations can minimize engineered or guessed password system(s) intrusion by utilizing password manager systems. Organizations should aim for passwords which require a combination of the following; at least eight characters in length, one capital letter and a special character. A unique password should be required for each account and expire after a maximum of thirty days. Organizations should use more secure, more advanced methods of user authentication such as smart cards when possible.
Hackers often utilize USB keys to initiate malware attacks. Hackers may use a USB key to implant malware into an organization’s devices which can capture keystrokes, passwords or data. Hackers have become adaptive in how they deliver the malware infected USB key to targeted users. For example hackers have sent USB keys as a promotional item to perspective targets which once inserted in a device delivers the malware it contains.
To prevent USB key malware attacks organizations should ensure strong physical security policies and user awareness campaigns. Only trusted source USB keys should be utilized by users. USB keys should be provided by the organization and purchased from a reputable vendor. Organizations should ensure existing software is updated, and robust malware-detection software is run timely.
Organizations and home networks also face the risk of cyber-attack by hackers. Hackers can invade an open wireless network or one with insufficient security. Hackers are literally able to sit outside and get into through unsecure or poorly secured Wi-Fi. Hackers can also create their own hotspot which they disguise using common site names such as airports, coffee shops and public places. Users accessing the network expose their device and systems to hackers.
Use of network security protocols such as Wi-Fi protected access 2 (WPA2) and virtual private networks (VPN) greatly reduce the risks of unauthorized network access. WPA2 and VPN utilize unique encryption keys and benefit from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. Firewalls should be configured properly and analyzed to maintain proper security. Users should refrain from using open and unsecure networks.
Organizations can benefit from staying abreast of the latest methods used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to systems. It’s always a good idea to follow forums on hacking ( June 17, 2015). Additional cyber security should include security penetration testing, identifying possible entry points, deleting website source code comments and default applications that come with web server software.

IMC CAD+RMS (Version 4.5.2) [Computer Software].
(2007) North Grafton, MA: Information Management Corporation
Wi-Fi Alliance: Organization. Official industry association Web site.
Retrieved May 27, 2015
Fortune Subscribe: 2014/10/03/5-huge-cybersecurity-breaches-at-big-companies.
Retrieved June 17, 2015 Official industry association Web site.
Retrieved June 17, 2015

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...Introduction Enterprise systems (ES) are large scale application software packages that support business and data analytics in complex organisations. These systems having maninted a large amount of critical and complex data are designed typically for high intensity transcation performance and high data security. Also, operational excellence could be achieved with the effective implementation of enterprise systems. This can be better understood with the given example – A customer requests company X (pharmaceutical drug manufacturing company) for information of approximate price for the order he is willing to deal with them. In this case, company X can not only address the plea of customer with the exact price but also very rapidly with the usage of an enterprise system. This task can be performed firmly as the enterprise systems help in integrating every detail such as client information, order, manufacturing, delivery, price of rawmaterials, chemical formulae, time taken in the inventory, packaging costs and many more. These enterprise systems can also be customized in special cases where the software systems doesnot appropriately suite the business needs. However, it is not advisable based on previous research in this field which showed the detoriation of the software system or low intensity performance in case of any major changes made. Thus, it is advisable to gain maximum benefit out of these enterprise system softwares by tuning them to the business of interest. Like many...

Words: 473 - Pages: 2

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...Introduction The word consumerism, “consumer” means the customer or user and “ism” means movement. In year 1920, the movement started to protect the interest of the consumer. Consumerism or also known as consumer movement, consumer protection or consumer activism are those who inform and protects consumers by involving in practices such as honest advertising and packaging, improved safety standard of products and services, and product guarantees. It is the effort of the organization by individuals, government or groups that help protect consumer rights to a fair business practices. The main objective of this movement is to unite the consumer, educate them and fight for their rights. In today world, it is said that consumer is the king and centre of all business. An organization priority depends on the consumer for its growth in the business sector and not on its survival alone. But in the real world, consumer position is treated differently. Consumer are more like a victim that are being exploited by sellers that charges higher prices for goods and services, supplying poor quality products, misleading advertisement and etc. Consumerism is important to consumer because it helps in protecting the consumer interest from the unethical business community that charges higher prices, keeping stocks to create artificial shortage and supplying inferior goods. Besides that, it also aims in educating them about their rights as a consumer and informing the precaution steps for the...

Words: 789 - Pages: 4

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...Introduction Hello My Name is Jennifer, My profession is Medical Assisting, Patient Care Assisting, and some Medical Office duties currently at Schilling Gardens the Arbors. My degree program is Medical Office Professional and I am currently beginning my Associates Degree here at Concorde. I am currently not working in my field of Medical Office at this time due to work force here in Memphis. I can really say that the office is really where I want to be in the near future. I have worked in medical office field before I changed due to my employer relocating to another state. So I took up the career of Medical Assisting because I wanted to be universal in the medical field stand point. For example, if I wanted to work in the front office I could, if I wanted to medically assist, and even patient care assist the patient I could do that as well. So really I have the experience in all fields. Two characteristic that describe me is that I am very humble and quiet until I figure person or situation out. I work well with others; I am very nice until you take my kindness for weakness. I mostly stay to myself because I don’t like a lot of drama. I work very hard for my family and I am very happy with my life. I chose to come back to Concorde because I realized that this school shaped me into being a professional in the world today. Concorde learned me how to maintain a business prospective and they gave me a lot of potential on how to carry myself. So when people look at me and say...

Words: 417 - Pages: 2

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...Introduction A1 Technical Solutions, LLC is investors enabling the organization to develop becoming a staple within the IT consulting market. We are seeking $900,000 which will be used in establishing company headquarters, employee salaries for the first year, and providing employee benefits. Additional funds will ultimately contribute to providing our clients superior customer service, enhanced on-site contractor knowledge and greater advertising; inevitably creating larger profit margins. Currently, A1 Technical Solutions, LLC is in the process of establishing a company location, hiring more personnel, securing employee skill enhancement resources, as well as employee benefits, equipment and superb marketing. Chief Officers Mr. Julian A. Shelton and Ms. Anntoinette Brown have collectively invested $100,000 of their own money towards the start-up of the company. Based out of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, we are a start-up consulting firm devoted to servicing the comprehensive IT needs of businesses. Our core staff of experienced and certified professionals, along with their team-oriented approach to consulting projects, is able to provide an exceptionally structured quality service far exceeding our competitors. Present day companies rely on their internal network infrastructure to maintain effective productivity. Data and its availability are essential in enabling a company to earn a return of its investment. Our company is on the brink of penetrating...

Words: 964 - Pages: 4

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... Title | Page No. | 01 | INTRODUCTION * Objective * Scope * limitation | 2-5 | 02 | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY * Type of research * Type of data used * Method of data collection | 6-8 | 03 | COMPANY PROFILE * Introduction of company * History,vision,mission * Organization structure * Social Responsibility * Product * Environment * Certification * Achievement & Awards | 9-25 | 04 | FUNCTIONAL AREA * Human resource management * Finance management * Production management * Marketing management | 26-32 | 05 | LEARNING | 33 | 06 | FINDING AND SUGGESTION | 34 | 07 | QUESTIONARIES | 35-44 | 08 | BIBILIOGRAPHY | 45 | Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT:- The problem is preparation of the design of the research project. It includes export introduce to mineral water or mountain water. The project undertaken aims to find out the selling and marketing of mineral water or mountain water. The Act introduced to professional development for patents. In an effort to differentiate one brand from another. Some companies have introduced to vitamins ingredients. To sales with water flavoring about various industry efforts to improve. The naturals has introduced made with production and marketing reduce the products. The nutrition facts it stated that the organic shelled of introduced to the product. To the introduction of a variety of drinks marketed as delivering...

Words: 3343 - Pages: 14

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...Introduction and Conclusion Latonya Ballard Com/156 September 7, 2012 Lugene Rosen “What can you say about a person that does want to change their life?’ It can be hard to make life changes; people may be dealing with everyday problems that they need to put effort to. ‘How can people make smart choices while eating right and exercising?’ It is daily activities that can be done to improve the ability to get the body are shape to live a long time. The more a person chose to eat the right nutrients and have vitamins in their body the more they will stay healthy. The average person think if they eat what they chose to eat they will live a long time, but it is up to the person in general to chose what lifestyle they want to live. A person has to get enough physical activities to burn any calories to stay in shape. If a person eat in moderation the weight will come off quick, and then the foods he/she chooses can benefit a heart healthy life. If people eat a well-balance diet and exercising it can help the heart stay stronger. Healthy eating will keep you living longer, and help you stay heart health with a balance diet. People should consider eating healthy and exercising to live longer. Most people in society have busy lives and do not think about eating healthy. It is a convenience for someone to stop and get fast foods; it can clog the arteries in the heart with fat and cholesterol. However, people that eat unhealthy and do not exercise will have a slow metabolism. It will...

Words: 1115 - Pages: 5

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...Introduction Globalisation is a complex contemporary issue posing challenges for international businesses and it is essential for them to respond to the challenges appropriately in order to succeed (Dunning, 1999). This essay will examine the issue of globalisation with a focus on business schools. It will also attempt to analyse how global business education providers have adapted in order to satisfy the requirements of local students. The analysis will further examine the wider connotations of the phenomenon as an important contemporary challenge faced by modern businesses and managers (Andrews) Globalisation- A Paradox Academics have highlighted the debate and development of globalisation and its effect on businesses and education(). Guttal (2006) recognises the discrepancy in the ideology and reality of the effects of globalisation and argues that globalisation may bring prosperity, increased access to knowledge and better living standards, through the creation of positive economic and political convergences there are risks, as it can also be viewed as antagonistic and hegemonic towards local populations and economies. (example) Global Expansion – Opportunities and Challenges Levene (2010) muses that globalisation is a contemporary issue for businesses expanding internationally. It is suggested that rapid changes due to globalisation have an enormous influence on global demand for education().Moreover, it is argued that global sustainability is a key factor in the future...

Words: 1234 - Pages: 5

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...[pic] BU 353 - Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance |Instructor |Heather Graham | |Office | NA. | |Phone: |Ext | |E-mail |Please use MLS for all course related questions, and for other questions | |Office Hours |By appointment only | Course Description This course will examine techniques and policies used by organisations and individuals for managing risks within the Canadian marketplace. In addition to addressing how to identify, evaluate and manage these risks, the course will also focus attention upon the analysis of insurance markets and the incentives conveyed by these markets for managing risk. Particular attention is paid to homeowner’s and private passenger automobile insurance. Course Objectives Increase students’ knowledge of insurance and the insurance industry, develop educated consumers and prepare students for careers within the Canadian insurance industry. Textbook and Course Materials: ...

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