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Ios vs Android


Submitted By chakrijagarapu
Words 2265
Pages 10
Android app Vs Apple app Market: A Design Perspective
Pranjal Sutradhar
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Pre-final year stuent pranjal5026@gmail Abstract:
Nowadays there is boom of smart phones, there are more than a billion smartphone users in the world [1]. As of 2013, two-third of
Americans own smartphones [2].The key feature of these smart phones are their application support and there operating system on which these application runs. The most common mobile operating systems are Android, iOS, Blackberry and WindowsPhone. This paper provides analysis share of smart phones having different mobile operating systems.

1. Introduction iOS: It’s a mobile operating system used and developed by Apple
Inc. It is used to run iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. It was first released in 2007 for iPhone[3]. It is based on the concept of direct manipulationand utilizes a multi-touch interface where simple gestures are used to operate the device, like swiping your finger across the screen to move to the next page or pinching your fingers to zoom out also for rotating in three dimension, respond on shaking or tilting the device internal accelerometers are used applications[4]. It uses framework of OSX such as Core Foundation and Foundation but its UI toolkit is Cocoa Touch instead of AppKit framework.
It’s therefore not compatible with OS X for applications.iOS also shares the Darwin foundation with OS X. Its is very restrictive when it comes to their devices thas why Apple is much secure than Android devices [7].

pinching and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects. The response to user input is designed to be immediate and provides a fluid touch interface, often using the vibration capabilities of the device to provide haptic feedback to the user.[8].
Google Play Store:
It is an application store called Google Play Store

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