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Is The Womb A Retable Space Analysis

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Pages 2
In Richard Lacayo’s “Is the Womb a Rentable Space?” Lacayo is informing his readers on the issue of Surrogacy birth and how few of them end in custody battles, but the attention they receive may distort the issue. He refers to the biblical passage of Sarah and Abraham to further spread his message. In Genesis 16, we are told the story of Sarah and her husband Abraham’s struggle to have a child. Because of this struggle, they have their child through their servant, Hagar. After Ishmael is born Sarah was despised in Hagar’s eyes, and Hagar was never fully accepted into the tribe even though she was Ishmael's mother, causing her to be rejected and expelled into the desert. Like the distortion of Surrogacy, some only see what gets the most

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