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Jean-Jacques Rousseau: the Social Contract


Submitted By juice58
Words 1826
Pages 8
James Staton
Mr. Borton
World Literature II
October 6, 2015
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a prominent writer in the eighteenth century and influenced different revolutions in his work such as the revolutionary sentiments in France and American colonies. Rousseau helped start the Romantic Movement and is responsible for creating the new genre in literature known as an autobiography. This came from the one of the stories he wrote called Confession, which he goes in to detail about what he has been through in life. He was writer during the Enlightenment period and he drew influences from Immanuel Kant. A lot of beliefs of the enlightened way of thinking show in Rousseau‘s writing called The Social Contract. Being “Enlightened” is ones freedom to think for them and not be trapped in social status that societies may put on people. Rousseau put together the social contract to persuade people to break the political rule of authority and give power to the people and not one person.
The Social Contract was written in 1762 containing four different books explaining the possibilities of how people can achieve equality and power with the help contract. Rousseau's intended audience were the people who were under the political rule of authority. I feel that the way he explains his contract is effective especially because each book is something different that would erase the political rule of authority and bring equality among the citizen. Book one opens up with the phrase “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains,” meaning that you are born free, but as you get older you start to be confined to the “chains” that society puts on you. Whether you are born into a certain social class, family has certain beliefs, and things that government will not allow you to do. These are some of the chains that allow you not to think for

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