Premium Essay

Julius Caesar- Act 3 Scene 2


Submitted By irisnouri
Words 1175
Pages 5
Iris Nouri

Julius Caesar
Act III, Scene ii
Power of language or rhetoric is the central theme in Act III, Scene ii of Julius Caesar by
William Shakespeare. Shakespeare utilizes system of structuralism to reinforce the central theme in Scene ii. The theme which is based on three argumentative appeals: emotional, logical, and ethical - postulated by Aristotle.
Act III, Scene ii takes place post assassination of Julius Caesar – an assassination on the basis of preventing a becoming dictator - ruling over Rome. At the Caesar’s funeral, the two opposing orators, Brutus as a conspirator and Antony as a Caesar’s loyal, present different emotional and ethical appealing argument to convince and persuade the plebeians, Roman Citizens, of the logic behind Caesar’s assassination.
From this scene, the audience observe the power of words, presented by Brutus and Antony, on the Roman Public - and the effects of powerful, superior and highly persuasive rhetoric in: stirring emotion by providing tragic event, shaping opinion through logical evidence, and demanding action based on ethics.
This essay will demonstrate the effects of power of language, the central theme of Act III, Scene ii. Throughout this essay I will be comparing Brutus and Antony’s use of emotional, logical, and ethical appeals.
For different motives, the assassination of Julius Caesar is acted in collaboration of conspirators.
The leader of the conspirators is Cassius, a senator, whose rivalry toward Caesar is based on jealousy. Cassius believes that: “Caesar is so weak to be king and he is merely a man”. He insists that Caesar popularity making him so powerful and if he becomes the king, he would forever overturn the republic in Rome.
Based on this logic, Caesar convinces Brutus, senator and close and dear friend of Caesar, to participate in killing Caesar. Brutus, in

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