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Submitted By bbbbaasb
Words 889
Pages 4
We Want Justice Right Now


Andrew Crowther

August 24,2014

When possible most Americans like Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) it has become a favorite past time on

T.V. The actors

tendency to seduce our minds. Later people say, “Wonder what was he thinking about?” .The criminal justice system is now considered a sexy career choice. The academic purpose of the paper will be to

examine topics like; Justice, how you must interrelate with others, and how court systems differ

. To give a definition to justice personally is the art of all things being equal for everyone. To speak of a word used so universally. Justice is a word with many meanings depending on who you

are. According to Collins, a writer of an English Digital Dictionary, He believes it can be called, “

Righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.” To go on and speak with others, there are even some

definitions of what justice really is. My son is an inmate of the justice system. Do not why he use words

like corrupt and bad attitudes. I am not sure of what happens as to why so many young men do not have

any positive ways to describe what about justice. Ebony Magazine July,2014, talks about an article titled

Injustice for all. They write,” New book reveals harsh penalties and racial inequities in America’s juvenille

prison system burning down the house; The end of juvenille prisons give readers an unflinching look at

America’s unbalanced juvenille system. In this exclusive excerpt, the author, White House Champion of

change honoree Nell Bernstein explores the gripping stories of several imprisoned youths and challenges

readers to take an introspective look at their perception of youthful

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