Premium Essay

Justifying Military Intervention


Submitted By chuckred21
Words 2033
Pages 9
Justifying Military Intervention Some of the most difficult decisions that United States policymakers are faced with are those regarding when, where and how the United States should exercise military force. Most people feel that military force may be used if a vital interest of the United States is threatened. “The difficulty lies in getting people to agree on what constitutes a vital national interest” (Military Intervention). In addition, there will be disagreements over the costs and benefits in intervening in a particular region and what type of military or political action should be carried out on the region. From a domestic perspective, almost every United States citizen would agree that an attack by a foreign country on the United States is a direct and serious threat to national security. In addition, if an organization or country attacked a nation which the United States has a security agreement with, a retaliation from the United States military and NATO would see no disagreements from Americans and the United States friends. Where disagreements can arise is when the situation does not pose an immediate threat to U.S. security but could imperil it in the future, such as when a region becomes unstable and the instability may lead to wider conflicts. Another area of debate emerges over issues of human rights and humanitarian efforts. The United States is the most powerful democratic nation on Earth. Does that mean we always have a vital interest in promoting human rights and democracy? Or, should we stay out of the affairs of other nations unless they threaten our national interests? Another issue arises over how the United States should exercise military force. Some argue that America should never act unilaterally, and only act with others (e.g. particularly with the United Nations and other allies). If it is true that the United States has a strong

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