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Kfc Marketing Fundamental


Submitted By kainguyen1990
Words 1678
Pages 7
Contents I - Introduction 2 II - Micro Environment 2 1. Customers 2 2. Partners 3 2.1. Suppliers 3 2.2. Franchisees 3 3. Competitors 3 4. Industry 4 III - Macro Environment 4 1. Political 5 1.1. Carbon tax 5 1.2. Minimum wages 5 2. Social Cultural 5 3. Economic 6 IV - Conclusion 6 V - References: 6

I - Introduction
KFC, which has full name as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is one of well-known fast food brand names in the world due to their effective marketing strategies. To create good marketing strategies, KFC needs to understand the market by conducting a market research and collecting information about micro and macro environment. Therefore, they can influence factors in the micro environment and respond to potential macro environmental factors that can affect to them within next 12 months in Australia. This report focuses on marketing concepts which explain micro and macro environment. These key marketing concepts will be analysed and explain how KFC applied into their strategies. This report is based on academic resources such as marketing lecture notes of Insearch, text books of Philip Kotlers and academic online resources.
II - Micro Environment
Micro environment is examined as an environment in which the company can indirectly influence such as customers, partners, competitors and industry. For each factor, the company need to have suitable strategies to affect. 1. Customers
Under marketing concepts of Philip Kotler (Marketing Management, Defining marketing for the 21st century, Philip Kotler), customers are determined as people who purchase product and they may or may not use that product for themselves. Besides, Kotler states that customers are centred instead of products. The company need to meet their customers’ needs, wants or demands. In this case study, KFC applied their price and product strategies to

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