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Government 305


Submitted By alanc6699
Words 488
Pages 2

1) The purpose of this paper is to assess the leading issues in the continuing debate over the Patriot Act 1, Patriot Act 2 and Patriot Act 3 and its alleged abuse of our bill of rights by comparing and contrasting the positions between the Government need for them and the people’s rights, freedoms and liberties. By offering this assessment, you will learn a lot about what policy making was going on to achieve this type of law.

2) What are the arguments surrounding the use of these extreme policies in the U.S. or are they not extreme? And

3) What are the implications that these policies having or are not having on the lives of Americans? Furthermore, the purpose here is to enhance your researching, writing, and analytical skills.

4) Compare and contrast the leading issues in the current controversial USA Patriot Act (1,2 and 3) situation. Your paper should compare and contrast the leading issues in the current controversial USA Patriot Act situation and how it affects your bill of rights. This assessment should explain the similarities and or differences between the rights of the citizens of the United States, the U.S. Government and the State positions. In addition, you should acknowledge the entities (i.e. U.S. citizens, government civil servants, interest groups, corporate interests…) that are endorsing the controversial USA Patriot Act and how this endorsement correlates, complements or conflicts with the position you maintain as an American citizen. Then choose one entity (i.e. American citizens, government civil servants, interest groups, corporate interests…and give some background information on that entity in order to fully explain the connection.

5) What is the United States current policy on the current controversial USA Patriot Act issue you have assessed? You should

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