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Kudler Foods Data Tables


Submitted By nsinger
Words 599
Pages 3
Kudler Foods Data Tables Kudler Fine Foods was founded in 1998 by Kathy Kudler as an upscale specialty food store. The first location of Kudler was in La Jolla, CA, followed by stores opened in Del Mar and Encinitas. Kudler Fine Foods offers its customers selections in bakery and pastry products, fresh produce, fresh meat and seafood, condiments and packaged foods, as well as cheese and specialty dairy products. This brief will evaluate the design of Kudler’s current inventory data table, make recommendations for improvements to the current tables, and provide information for effectively using pivot tables.
Design Element Evaluation Analysis of Kudler’s data tables by end users is essential to Kudler’s inventory control. End users should be able to use inventory data tables to determine the amount of inventory on hand in each location, which in turn will assist end users in determining the amount of inventory to be ordered to replenish each location. Kudler’s current inventory data table provides its end users with general ledger coding, inventory items, store locations and departments, and the value of each inventory on hand. Users of Kudler’s current inventory data table are able to quickly identify the products store location and department by viewing the general ledger code. The first two numbers of the general ledger code indicate the store location of the inventory, while the third number indicates the department the inventory belongs to, and the last two numbers indicate the product.
Entity Relationship Diagram Entity relationship diagrams use four symbols to graphically depict entities and their direct relationships. Bagranoff, Simkin, & Strand further explain the four symbols, stating that rectangles represent entities, diamonds describe the nature of relationships, ovals denote the entity’s attributes, and connecting lines depict

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