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Lady Macbeth Evil

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a play about the limitations of one’s free will. In the play, a character named Macbeth is prophesized to be the next heir to the throne of Scotland by three witches. Whether Macbeth chooses to believe the prophecy is entirely not up to him since it already seems that fate had been decided, which is the central theme for the play. In this play, one may believe that he or she have authority over his or her life. However when examining the behavior of Macbeth, supernatural forces become the template for his fate that he is destined to follow. His wife, Lady Macbeth, is an important character because of her influences towards Macbeth. In fact, if it were not for her, Macbeth would probably still be alive by the …show more content…
Altering him into a villainous character that murders other characters in order to grasp control over his life. Macbeth’s tactics to gain and keep himself in power is unconventional and every method he chooses further deepens the plot and his demise.
When first analyzing the nature of Macbeth; the beginning of the play shows him as a humble, noble, and high ranking commander that earns respect from the king. What’s ironic is that he slowly transforms into a villain and kills the very man who gave him the position of power in order to gain more power. Macbeth is an expert in warfare who fought to protect his country. Being one of the best fighters and beheading numerous enemies is one of the factors to how he becomes the Thane of Cawdor. Again, ironically, as he started to turn nefarious, the very men he saved, the country he fought to protect, all seem to disappear from his mind as he began a …show more content…
After receiving a promotion from the king, he has no choice but to repay the favor by throwing a banquet in honor of the king and himself. The Greek concept of hospitality called Xenia becomes important when comparing it to Macbeth’s style of hosting. Instead of following through with pampering the divine guest—the king with a lavish feast and a comfortable place to rest, Macbeth decides to murder the king. A good host is suppose to treat the guest with the utmost respect, like if he or she were a god. Macbeth does the opposite of this by repeatedly stabbing the guest. This moment in the play shows him not only committing regicide but also treason. And this essentially symbolizes the him backstabbing his country and creates a point beyond return where he can no longer decide his fate, not that he can

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