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Lat1 - Serial Killers


Submitted By cheryl11171
Words 2816
Pages 12
LAT1 - Serial Killers

This paper that was written explores how a person is born innocent, and evolves into a monstrous and calculated serial killer. It will mention several different specific serial killers and their histories to support the facts. Another area that is explored is the difference between mass murderers and serial killers. Many times theses terms are used simultaneously; however the fact is that they are different. Reviewing the classifications, behaviors, motives, childhood neglect, sanity, and how profiling and other methods will assist in catching a serial killer. Understanding and studying serial killers can help in preventing them to start killing, or in catching them before they continue killing.

Research shows that the problem of serial killing can be addressed by understanding its causes, identifying common behaviors and motivations of serial killers, and using this information to develop tools for law enforcement to prevent initial or repeated killings
If a person commits a murder, it doesn’t constitute to be tagged a serial killing. I will be including material in order to define what serial killer is, and why we are so obsessed with understanding them. To fully discuss and understand serial killers, we must first distinguish the differences between them and mass murderers. The term mass murderer is often used interchangeably; however, the two terms are technically different. Mass murder occurs when a large number of people are killed at the same time or within a short period of time, or ritualistic manner. (Time Life staff, 1992). “ The term ‘serial killings’ means a series of three or more killings, who murders two or more victims at separate times… having common characteristics … to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors.” (United States Code, 1998)

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