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Culture and Development


Submitted By Tiffanyarthur
Words 606
Pages 3
Culture and Development Paper
Tiffany Arthur
University of Phoenix
Instructor Cari Cephus
April 9, 2012

Culture and Development Paper In today’s world, there are many different cultures. Culture is part of an infant/child’s development. The infant/child’s culture helps them develop into who they become when they are adults. A person’s culture has influence on their eating, sleeping, and everyday activities. In this paper, the factors that make up a person’s culture, how the culture influences infant and toddler development, and whether nature or nurture has a stronger influence will be discussed. There are many factors that make up a person’s culture. Culture is not just a person’s race or ethnicity. Some factors that make up a person’s culture can include a combination of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, values, beliefs, behavioral patterns, class, physical abilities, mental abilities, age, foods, clothing, music, and holidays just to name a few. Racial, religion, ethnic, sexual orientation, and social groups of people are also other facts that contribute to a person’s culture. A person does not have to be born into a certain culture but can also make the choice to belong to a certain culture. Culture shifts can happen with any individual and at any point of their lives. An individual can pick and choose which customs they want to change and which ones they want to retain and which ones they want to adapt to. (Zion, Kozleski, & Fulton, 2005) There are many ways that a person’s culture influences the development of an infant and toddler. A culture can dictate or state how an infant is fed, how the infant/toddler sleeps, how they interact with other individuals, when milestones should be met, and what is developmentally appropriate for the infant/toddler. For example, in one country toddlers use knives without a second thought to it but

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