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Law-California Law Review


Submitted By kete90
Words 89092
Pages 357
California Law Review
Volume 57 | Issue 1 Article 1

January 1969

The Legal Roles of Shareholders and Management in Modern Corporate Decisionmaking
Melvin Aaron Eisenberg

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Melvin Aaron Eisenberg, The Legal Roles of Shareholders and Management in Modern Corporate Decisionmaking, 57 Cal. L. Rev. 1 (1969). Available at:

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California Law Review
VOL. 57 JANUARY 1969
Copyright © 1969 by California Law Review, Inc.

No. 1

The Legal Roles of Shareholders and

Management in Modern Corporate Decisionmaking
Melvin Aron Lisenberg*








. ........ 1. Considerations of Public Policy .. (a) "Shareholder democracy ". . .. ........ ... . ......... (b) Client-group participation .. (c) Managerialism ..... ........... . ........ 2. Managerial Conflicts of Interest .. .. ........... 3. Shareholder Expectations ... ............ (a) The AT&T myth .... ... .... (b) The fallacy of "the average shareholder" (i) The proprietary principle of corporate law . (ii) Institutional investors as shareholders in publicly .......... held corporations ... (A) The magnitude of institutional shareholdings (B) The

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Pleading Complain

...Attorneys for PlaintiffRANDY LAW | | SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RANDY LAW, Plaintiff, v.PIPER REED, Defendant. | CASE NO. Lawyering Skills 1 Complaint Filed: August 31, 2012Trial Date: TBDDiscovery Cutoff: Motion Cutoff: | Plaintiff Randy Law, for his cause of action against Defendant Piper Reed complains and alleges as follows: PARTIES 1. Plaintiff Randy Law (“Plaintiff”) is a twenty-four year old student, at all times herein mentioned, is a third student at Thomas Jefferson School of Law (“TJSL”) and resides in the city of San Diego, county of San Diego, state of California. 2. Defendant Piper Reed, an individual, is a twenty-six years old student, and is and at all times herein mention is also a student at TJSL. 3. Defendant Thomas James was also present at the “Bar Review” at the Music House Bar. Thomas James is a first year student at TJSL, and shares a torts class with Misty Gold. 4. Misty Gold, also a first year law student at TJSL. Misty Gold shares a torts class with Thomas James. She resides in the city of San Diego, county of San Diego, and state of California. She was also present at the “Bar Review” hosted at the Music House Bar. 5. Melody Wright, a student at TJSL, year unknown, is roommates with Misty Gold. She is a witness to Misty Gold’s injury. 6. The student government of TJSL hosted a “Bar Review” event for TJSL students at the House Music Bar, located in downtown San Diego on Friday,...

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