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Leadership Approach


Submitted By Natwas
Words 654
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Leadership Approach Paper University of Phoenix LDR 531/ Organizational Leadership March 31, 2013

Leadership Approach Research on leadership has been occurring for centuries and has continued to evolve over the course of time. So much research is available that it is necessary to categorize it to emphasize potential relationships that tie them together. According to Yuki, "common practice is to limit the focus to one type of leader characteristic, namely traits, behavior, or power" (Yuki, 2010, p. 13). Focusing on the trait approach, a definition will be provided and an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach will be discussed. Trait Approach Trait approach is defined as "personal attributes (or traits) of leaders, such as physical and personality characteristics, competencies, and values"(Fleenor, 2006, p. 830). The idea behind early research was that certain people had traits from birth that enabled them to be leaders. Researchers have created lists to describe the character traits of leaders; however, many were found to be inclusive and left out key attributes (Fleenor, 2006, p. 831). Individuals and the lists of character traits are compared to determine the success or failure rate of that person in a leadership role. Today, these types of comparisons are done through personality testing, such as Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Tests or

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