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Leadership Theories


Submitted By slimgooddy
Words 1021
Pages 5
Leadership Theories
Many different people attempt to take on the role of a leader but not many have the leadership skills needed to be a successful leader. Some have a natural talent of being leaders those are the ones you say were born to lead. Others are molded into leaders. Three motivational theories I chose to do research on are: Trait Theories
Trait theories are based on the past and present characteristics of leaders. Trait theories help to examine the effectiveness of leadership skills helping to predict the success of a leader based on their known traits. Successful leaders definitely have interests, abilities, and personality traits that are different from those of the less effective leaders. Through many researches conducted in the last three decades of the 20th century, a set of core traits of successful leaders have been identified.("Trait Theory of Leadership" 2008-2012) Successful leaders show traits such as self confidence, honesty, integrity, charisma, knowledge of the business and high ambition. Being a leader does take a special skill set that not everyone posses. Leaders gain the respect of others and have that ability to influence others in doing as they communicate. A leader will set a path for his constituents and make sure that they stick to that path and successfully accomplish their mission. Countries such as the Middle East and Africa where men are the dominant leaders are examples of the trait theory.
Behavioral Theories Unlike trait theories behavioral theories focuses on a person’s actions. In behavioral theories it is suspected that leaders are not born they are made. It is believed that someone can be taught to be a leader. A behavioral theory is relatively easy to develop, as you simply assess both leadership success and the action of the leaders. ("Behavioral Theories," 2002-2012) Successful leader behavior

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