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Life Orientation in the Foundation Phase


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Ouers is dikwels bekommerd oor die waarde van die belegging wat hulle maak in hul kinders se opvoeding, deur die keuse van waardevolle vakke vir hul kinders.
In die demokratiese Suid-Afrika is Lewensoriëntering laat in die 1990’s bekendgestel. Lewensoriëntering is ‘n vak wat uit die Uitkomsgebasseerde Onderwys bestaan wat deur toe die Minister van Onderwys was, Kadar Asmal, geimplementeer is. Daar is sedertdien baie kritiek oor LO gelewer deur ouers, leerders en onderwysontleders. Hulle reken dat hierdie vak geen waarde vir die algemene opvoeding/opleiding van ‘n leerder in die skoolomgewing inhou nie.

Definisie van Lewensvaardighede:
Wits professor in Lewensvaardigheid en Godsdienskunde, Dr. René Ferguson (Ferguson,2003:273) definieër Lewensvaardigheid as ‘n holistiese studie van die persoon self, die persoon in die samelewing, ‘n geleentheid vir ‘n kind se emosionele ontwikkeling, die burgerskap aspekte van die lewe in Suid - Afrika, demokrasie, menseregte, asook gesondheids aspekte soos om ‘n gesonde leefwyse te handhaaf en die fisieke fiksheid en gesondheid van ‘n kind.

Volgens Ebersohn en Eloff kan die oorsprong van Lewensvaaardigheid onder vier hoofpunte verduidelik word naamlik potensiaal en die omgewing, oorerwing, individuele verantwoordelikheid en die sosiale leerteorie. Die eerste punt wat ek wil verduidelik is die individue se potensiaal en omgewing. Tydens geboorte arriveeer ons as lewendige, unieke, enig in ons soort individue wat elkeen anders is as die ander individue wat ons sien. Om as individue te groei in onsself en in die wêreld daar buite, is dit dus belangrik om as individue intellektueelt, geestelik, sosiaal en fisiese ons potensiaal te ontwikkel. Wanneer individue hierdie potensiaal kan ontwikkel moet daar geleenthede wees sodat hulle dit kan gebruik en aangryp om die potensiaal in daardie opsig te kan ontwikkel. Individue moet ook tot die besef kom dat dit wel ‘n uitdaging gaan wees. Om hierdie potensiaal te kan ontwikkel moet individue bewus raak dat daar daaglikse struikelblokke en limitasies in die pad kan staan wat hulle sal moet oorkom. “Die algemene kenmerk in die definisies van lewensvaardighede is die fokus op die vaardighede en strategieë wat toelaat dat 'n persoon om op te tree in ooreenstemming met sy / haar behoeftes, ander en die omgewing”. (Ebersohn en Eloff 2006)
Die tweede punt waarna ek wil verwys is oorerwing. Volgens Ebersohn en Elof is die feit dat persoonlike eienskappe in sielkunde verwys na eienskappe van persoonlikheid wat nie direk waarneembaar is nie. Party individue is gebore met die vaardighede om konflik te kan hanteer, waar ander individue weer maklik aanpas by verandering. Elke mens is geneties vatbaar(aanpasbaar) om die uitdagings en eise van die lewe te hanteer. “Daar is altyd 'n behoefte vir die aanpassing by die huis, in die gemeenskap, by die werk en onder eweknieë. As 'n oplossing vir die verskeie risikofaktore waarvoor jongmense,” beraadslaag (Ebersohn en Eloff 2006).
Die derde punt waarna ek wil verwys is die sosiale leerteorie. Volgens Ebersohn en Eloff is die sosiale leerteorie gebasseer op menslike gedrag en dus ook lewensvaardighede wat grootliks geleer gaan word. Daar is ook sekere beginsels ten opsigte van leer aangewend juis om die ontwikkeling van lewensvaardighede asook die gedrag van die mens te kan beskryf. Wanneer ons na hierdie leerteorie kyk, is dit duidelik dat dit die interaksie van ‘n individue beklemtoon met sy of haar omgewing. Elke individue is nogsteeds verantwoordelik vir sy of haar geluk deur na hulle menslike gedrag om te sien.
Die vierde en laaste punt waarna ek wil verwys is individuele verantwoordelikheid. In die kind se kinderjare is daar baie geeenthede waar die kind die nodige lewensvaardighede kan ontwikkel byvoorbeeld by hulle families in ‘n omgewing waar hulle gemaklik en bekend mee is. Die ouers speel ‘n belangrike rol om die kind te begelei daarin. Dit stop nie daar nie, individue kan elke dag ‘n nuwe vaardigheid aanleer. Dit is dus duidelik dat die individue vertroud kan raak met ‘n vaardigheid. Om hierdie vaardighede te bemeester is elke individue se keuse hoe hy dit gaan doen. (Ebersohn en Eloff)
Elke individue het dus die potensiaal om te ontwikkel in sy omgewing. Elke individue het oorerflikheid eienskappe wat sommige vaardighede makliker maak as ander. Sommige individue moet dan ook die vaardighede aanleer wat hulle nie het nie. Deur menslike gedrag in die sosiale leerteorie is dit duidelik dat elke individue verantwoordelik is vir sy eie gedrag. Elke individu is verantwoordelik vir sy eie vooruitgang in die lewe.

Lewensvaardigheid speel ‘n uiterse belangrike rol in die konteks van Suid – Afrika vandag. Daar is verskeie invloede wat Lewensvaardigheid op beide leerders van sterk sosio – ekonomiese en swak sosio - ekonomiese omstandighede het. Ek wil fokus op wat Lewensvaardigheid beteken in die konteks van Suid – Afrika vandag vir kinders uit swak sosio - ekonomies omstandighede. In Suid – Afrika is daar daagliks talle probleme wat kinders in die gesig moet staar. Edna Rooth (2005, bl.2) lys probeme wat in die lewens van hierdie kinders voorkom. Sy glo dat Lewensvaardigheid die jeug met hierdie probleme kan help. Kinders ondervind probleme soos geweld by die huis, skool en gemeenskap, familie disintergrasie, egskeidings, tiener selfmoordpogings, seksuele misbruik en risiko gedrag. Die vereistes van die moderne lewe wat aan hulle gestel word, disfunksionele families, afwesige ouers, skielike sosio – kulturele verandering en die afkeur van gelowe (Rooth, 2005). Duisende leerders sit met ouers wat alkohol misbuik, geen werk of onderrig het nie. Die grootste uidagings waarmee kinders van Suid – Afrika vandag sit volgens die kinder instituut (2003), is armoede, kindermishandeling, tekort aan dienste soos klinieke, MIV Vigs, onveilige omgewings en die verlies van mense wat omgee. Siektes soos Malaria, Turberkulose en MIV Vigs is besig om leerders van Suid – Afrika se leer te belemmer (Bot, Wilson en Dove, 2001). Die Suid – Afrikaanse jeug bestaan uit 54% van die wêreld se populasie. Onlangse studie het bewys dat die Suid – Afrikaanse jeug se MIV syfer van die hoogste ter wêreld is. Onder vrouens het omtrent 18.9% tussen die ouderdom van 15 en 19 en 43.1% tussen ouderdom van 20 en 25 MIV vigs. In Suid – Afrika word daar daagliks 1500 mense met MIV Vigs gediagnoseer waarvan 60% van die mense tussen die ouderdom van 15 en 25 is (Caldwell, Smith en Wegner, 2004). Seksueel aktiewe leerders se risiko op swangerskappe en HIV is baie groot. Alkohol kan verlawend wees en jong mense is meer geneig om die teiken te wees by die verskaffers van alkohol. Madu en Matla het die selfmoordpogings in Limpopo ondersoek en bevind dat 37% van die leerders al gedagtes gehad het om hulle eie lewe te neem.(Bron) Daar is 19% leerders wat dit al oorweeg het om selfmoord te pleeg, 15.8% wat al gepoog het om selfmoord te pleeg en 17% wat op die ou einde selfmoord gepleeg het. Data het voorgestel dat leerders selfmoord pleeg as gevolg van verstandelike probleme en stres. In baie skole word daar te min aandag gegee aan fisiese ontwikkeling. Daar is aangedui dat 37.5% van leerders nie genoeg oefening kry nie. Nasionaal is daar net 54.3% leerders wat fisiese ontwikkel op hulle roosters het. Armoede veroorsaak ook dat leerders nie die regte nutriënte inkry wat hulle benodig om intellektueel vorentoe te beweeg nie. Al staar baie Suid – Afrikaanse leerders die bogenoemde probleme in die gesig bied Lewensvaardigheid vir hulle die geleentheid om optimisties te wees, doelwitte te hê vir die toekoms, te weet wat hulle uit die lewe wil hê en om in beheer van hulle lewens te wees. Lewensvaardigheid help leerders om veerkragtig te wees in situasies waarin hulle geen beheer het nie. Dit is tydens Lewensvaardigheid in die klaskamer waar leerders vaardighede ontwikkel om ingeligte en verantwoordelik besluite te neem. Al hierdie vaardighede sal leerders help om bo hulle omstandigehede uit te styg. Hierdie vaardighede sal ook leerders uit sterk sosio ekonomiese omstandighede help om hulle volle potensiaal te bereik en ook situasies te hanteer wat vir hulle moeilik is.

Definisie van pedagogie?Volgens (Donald, Luzarus &Lolwana, 2010 Nel & Nel 2012) moet die pedagogie van Lewensvaardigheid gebasseer wees op Piaget, Vygotsky en Bruner se konstruktivistiese teorie. Onderrig en leer moet aktief in die klas kamer plaasvind. Leerders moet eksperimenteer, die onderwyser moet vir leerders die geleentheid gee om self te dinge te doen, om vrae te vra en ‘n bespreking te doen. Tydens onderrig is dit belangrik dat die onderwyser minimaal gebruik maak van die “Talk-and-chalk method”. Die metode word gekenmerk aan die onderwyser wat slegs al die praat werk doen. Die onderwyser sien leerders as leë voorwerpe wat sy vol kennis en inligting moet stop. Wanneer direkte onderrig gebruik word om inligting weer te gee, demonstrasies gedoen word of verduideliking nodig is, word daar van die leerders verwag om steeds aktief te luister.
Die leer-deur-te-doen proses help leerders om iets te ervaar deurmiddel van min leiding deur ‘n volwassenes. Die antwoord word nie vir hulle gegee nie, die probleem,sitsuasie of aktiwiteit word aan die leerders gegee en leerders moet dit dan self oplos. Deur te leer terwyl jy besig is om iets te doen word verwys na die leer proses. Leerders leer deur ondervindings. (Keith G. Diem, Ph.D., Program Leader in Educational Design)(
Party leerders hou aarvan om in ‘n stil omgewing te sit met ‘n boek en so te leer. Ander leerders moet fisies betrokke wees by die leerproses. Wanneer ‘n kinde vir die eerste keer ‘n koek, kan die kind of daaroor lees of om self hulle moue op rol en self die koek te bak.Leerders leer ook by mekaar. ‘n Leerder wat reeds ervaring in ‘n sekere gebied het, kan aan ‘n ander leerder ‘n eenvoudiger tegniek aanleer om die begrip makiker te verstaan. Elke leerder leer op hulle eie manier. Mens moet van verskillende leerstyle gebruik maak om Lewenvaardigheid aan leerders te leer.
Beide 1+2 staaf dat eksperimentasie en fisiese bebrokkenheid by ‘n sitsuasie belangrik is vir die onderrig en leer van Lewensvaardigheid.
Leerders van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat was na klaskamers toe gestuur om te kyk hoe Lewensvaardighede aangebied word. Die doel van hierdie eksperiment was om Grondslagfase studente te wys dat deur ‘n situasie self te ervaar kan mens ondervinding daardeur kry. (Biggs & Tang, 2007) Die onvoorspelbaarheid van die konteks het studente instaat gestel om ‘n nuwe leerervaring te ondergaan. Die ondervinding het studente gehelp om kennis en vaardighede saam te bring terwyl hulle probleme opgelos het. Dus het die eksperiment aan studente gewys dat ervarings en boek kennis saam gesmelt moet word om te leer. Dit is persies hoe dit werk met die leerders. In bogenoemde studie kon ons aflei dat leerders ook beter leer deur self betrokke te wees in ‘n leer situasie en nie net voorgeskryfde kennis deur ‘n onderwyser is nie.

Lewensvaardigheid kan op baie areas van die Grondslagfase van toepassing wees. Die Kurrikulum-en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (2011) bevat vier fokus areas rakende Lewensvaardigheid in die Grondslagfase. Die eerste fokusarea is aanvangskennis. Grondslagfase leerders word begrippe en vaardighede geleer wat uit sosiale wetenskap, natuurwetenskap en tegnologie bestaan. Sosiale wetenskap-begrippe leer aan die leerders wat bewaring, oorsaak en gevolg,aanpassing, verhoudinge en interafhanklikheid, diversiteit,verandering en individualiteit is. Natuurwetenskappe –begrippe behels die planeet aarde, materie en materiale, lewe en energie. Wetenskap-prosesvaardighede is klassifisering van data, meting, eksperimentering, waarneming en kommunikasie. Ondersoek,ontwerp, maak,evalueer en kommunikeer is tegnologie-prosesvaardighede wat tydens Tegnologie aangeleer word. Ondersteunende steierwerk volgens Vygotsky se sosiale leer teorie stel leerders instaat om hulle leer potensiaal te bereik (Hart, 2008). Die stelling word deur die Lewensvaardiheidsonderwys ondersteun, omdat hulle gebruik maak van steierwerk wanneer nuwe temas aangeleer word bv nuwe temas soos bewaring of diversiteit. ’n Voorbeeld is wanneer die begrip diversiteit aan die leerders geleer word, moet die leerders weet dat elke leerder uniek is en gerespekteer moet word.

Die tweede fokusarea wat in die grondslagfase gebruik word is persoonlike en sosiale welsyn. Die belangrikheid van die leerders se gesondheid word beklemtoon, leerders word ingelig oor verskillende siektes en verhoudings word aangemoedig. Leerders sal leer hoe om ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae tot ons demokratiese land te maak deur ander se kulture en geloofdiversiteit te respekteer.
Volgens Tech(2009) is vertroue, vrienskappe, ‘n sin vir humor, selfvertroue en om ander se gevoelens in ag te neem belangrik vir sosiale ontwikkeling. Die verhouding tussen ‘n kind en ‘n volwassene is die fondasie van emosionele en persoonlike ontwikkeling. Wanneer ‘n kind uitgesluit, verwerp of onveilig voel, ontwikkel hy/sy probleme om met ander leerders te sosialiseer. Die pedagogiese beginsels van Lewensvaardigheid vereis dat die onderwyser ‘n warm en veilige klaskameratmosfeer skep waar leerders ingesluit en nie uitgesluit word nie. Elke leerders moet gerespekteer word al is hy/sy anders. ‘n Voorbeeld hiervan is dat leerders in die grondslagfase gebruik maak van roetines. Tydens toiletroetines is daar ‘n wasbak en handdoek beskikbaar, sodat leerders hulle hande kan was, etenstyd bid die leerders voordat hulle eet. Lewensvaardigheidsonderwys maak gebruik van groepwerk, wat noodsaaklik is vir die grondslagfase leerders om sosiale vaardighede en interpersoonlike verhoudings te bevorder. Bogenoemde aspekte dra alles by tot die opvoeding wat leerders nodig het, om na hulself om te sien.
Die derde fokusarea wat belangrik is, is skeppende kunste. Die hoofdoel van skeppende kuns is om ‘n waardering vir kuns by die leerders te ontwikkel. Dans, musiek, drama en visuele kuns is vier kunsvorme wat gebruik word. Leerders word aangemoedig om materiale te manipuleer, musiek te maak en stories te vertel wat hulle verbeelding gaan bevorder. Tydens skeppende kuns moet daar gefokus word op die genot en sensoriese waarde van die aktiwiteit as om te fokus op die eindproduk. Die meeste navorsers stem saam dat skeppende kuns verbeeldingryke aktiwiteite behels, probleemoplossing vaardighede, die vermoё om ‘n produk te lewer wat waarde het. Ander sal argumenteer dat die produk korrek moet wees, prakties en bruikbaar (Sharp, 2001). Volgens Tegano(1991) is dit belangrik dat die proses geёvalueer word en nie die produk nie.‘n Voorbeeld van sy siening is dat daar in Lewensvaardigheidonderwys gereeld gebruik gemaak word van skeppende kuns wat grondslagfase leerders aanmoedig om hulle verbeelding te gebruik. Leerders word in groepe gedeel om ‘n dans uit te werk en op te voer, wat genotvol is en groot-motoriese vaardighede ontwikkel.

Die laaste fokusarea is liggaamsopvoeding, dit is belangrik vir die ontwikkeling van leerders se fyn- en groot-motoriese vaardighede. Dit dra by tot die kind se emosionele, persoonlike en sosiale ontwikkeling en bevorder die kind se houdings en waardes. Beweging kan gebruik word om probleemoplossing vaardighede, kritiese denke en ‘n verskeidenheid van akademiese konsepte te stimuleer (Gabbard,Ed.D en Rodrigues). ‘n Voorbeeld hiervan is dat die grondslagfase leerder oor, onder en deur apparate klim.

Daar word positiewe en negatiewe houdings deur leerders teenoor Lewensvaardigheid getoon. Dit wat in die skool in Lewensvaardigheid geleer word, hang af van watter boeke die lewensoriëntering-onderwyser gebruik. Volgens Dr. René Furgeson (Ferguson,2003) se aanname na vele besoeke aan skole koop die meeste skole die goedkoopste boeke aan, wat nie altyd die beste boeke vir Lewensoriëntering is nie en party skole besit nie eers Lewensoriëntering boeke nie. Dìt veroorsaak dat Lewensoriëntering nie op die korrekte en deeglike manier vir leerders aangebied word nie wat daartoe lei dat leerders Lewensvaardigheid as onnodig, vervelig en irrelevant beskou. Suid Afrikaanse leerders is gevra of hulle van Lewensvaardigheid hou of nie en hul antwoorde was as volg: “I basically see LO as a waste of time, ‘cause there, you don’t learn anything from it” en “Yes, I enjoy Life Orientation, ‘cause there’s lots of fun activities.” (Jacobs, 2011:1).Hierdie twee aanhalings verskaf vir ons ‘n goeie opsomming van die huidige debat rondom Lewensvaardigheid in Suid Afrikaanse skole. Sommige leerders beskou dit as ‘n waardevolle vak om hulle voor te berei vir hul lewens vorentoe en ander beskou dit weer as ‘n vak gelaai met onsin. Alhoewel meeste van die leerders ‘n negatiewe siening teenoor Lewensvaardigheid as vak het, was daar ‘n handjie vol wat wel van die vak hou. Daar is ook ‘n groepie leerders wat erken dat hulle van Lewensvaardigheids-periodes hou omdat hulle kans kry om dan te ontspan, sosialiseer of huiswerk te doen. In sommige skole word Lewensvaardigheid as ‘n “af periode” beskou omdat daar selde of soms glad nie tydens hierdie klas gewerk word nie. Tydens Dr. Ferguson se studie het sy verskeie vrae aan die leerders gevra. Een van die vra wat sy aan hulle gestel het, was wat hulle alles in Lewensvaardigheid leer. Een van die leerders het die vraag as volg beantwoord: “Things we learned, were things that we knew ourselves. Its just that they were just confirming it. Some of it, like, they just come up with their own theories. But I don’t think it helped us a lot.”(Ferguson,2003:273) Hierdie stelling gee vir ons ‘n aanduiding dat sommige leerders Lewensvaardigheid as tydmors beskou en hulle leer niks nuuts nie. Sommige leerders meen dat hul ouers hulle die nodige vaardighede by die huis leer, dit is nie nodig om dit weer in Lewensoriëntering te leer nie. ‘n Ander studie oor die ervarings van leerders teenoor Lewensvaardigheid het ook hierdie bevinding gemaak. Drie verskillende leerders in drie verskillende onderhoude is gevra wat hulle in LO leer en hulle het gesê dat hulle tot dusver basies niks in LO geleer het nie. Die een leerder se antwoord was as volg:”Oh, to be precise, we learned nothing.” (Jacobs,2011:1) Sommige leerders meen dat Lewensoriënteringonderrig geen doel het nie. Daar was ook leerders wat gesê het dat die vak swak aangbied word deur die onderwyser en dat die onderwyser geen entoesiasme wys teenoor die vak nie, dus gaan die leerders ook geen entoesiasme teenoor die vak toon nie. Die volgende aanhaling van een van die leerders bevestig hierdie stelling: “Uhm, mam, honestly it depends on what we are doing for the day. Honestly, most of the time a lot of the teachers aren’t even so enthusiastic about this subject. From them talking so boring, and everything just not clicking, mam...and then all of that together just makes you negative about the subject. That’s all I have to say.” (Jacobs,2011:3) Hierdie is vir ons net nog ‘n bewys dat daar wel ‘n negatiewe houding en wel ‘n probleem rondom Lewensoriënteringonderrig is.
In Jennifer Brown (Brown, J. 2013) se studie het sy bevind dat leerders nie aan die Lewensoriëntering klas wou deelneem nie en dat die blaam omdat leerders nie van LO hou nie, nie ten volle op die opvoeder geplaas kan word nie. Tydens Brown (Brown, J. 2013:75) se observasie in ‘n Lewensoriënteringklaskamer, het sy bevind dat die leerders eerder onderlangs met mekaar gesels en mekaar se aandag aftrek terwyl die onderwyser die klas aanbied. Een leerder het gesê “[the students] think they’re big enough to know what’s LO [Life Orenitation’s] all about, so they don’t take that much more interest...when we leave the gate it’s totally gone, that’s how most of us take it.” Hierdeur kan ons agterkom dat die leeders se houding teenoor Lewensvaardigheid geweldig negatief is en dat hulle geen nut in Lewensvaardigheidsonderrig sien nie. Dit veroorsaak dat die leerders nie die nodige kennis opdoen oor lewensvaardighede nie omdat hulle net eenvoudig nie daarin belangstel nie. Leerders voel dat hulle nuttelose werk in Lewensvaardigheid behandel en meen dat hulle reeds alles weet wat hulle tans in Lewensvaardigheid geleer word.


Linda Caldwell , Edward Smith , Lisa Wegner , Tania Vergnani , Elias Mpofu , Alan J. Flisher & Catherine Mathews. 2004. Health Wise South Africa: Development of a Life Skills Curriculum for Young Adults, World Leisure Journal, 46(3):5

Bot, M., Wilson, D. & Dove, S. 2001. The education atlas of South Africa 2000. Johannesburg: The Education Foundation.

Children’s Institute. 2003. The situation of children in South Africa. Children Institute, University of Cape Town.

ROOTH, E. (2005). An investigation of the status and practice of Life Orientation in South African schools in two provinces. PhD Thesis, University of the Western Cape.

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...Rape in the United States April Sexton Rasmussen College Rape in the United States A major social problem in the United States is rape and sexual assault. Studies show that one in six American women are victims of rape, and every two and a half minutes someone is raped in the United States. That is alarming! Studies also show that more than half, 59% to be exact, of all rapes go unreported (RAINN, 2007). What is rape and why is it so common in America? Why are so many victims of rape and sexual assault not reporting it to authorities? In this paper I plan to answer and address these questions, and many more in depth issues involving rape such as male and lesbian rape survivors, incest, post traumatic stress disorder, and rape trauma syndrome. Rape and Sexual Assault Rape is forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration. Penetration can be by an object or by a body part. Rape victims may be forced through physical means or threats. Anyone can be a victim of rape: women, men or children, straight or gay. A rapist uses violence or force, or the threat of it, to take control over someone. Rape is a crime across the United States, whether the person committing it is an intimate, a date, a stranger, an acquaintance, or a family member. Sexual assault is unwanted sexual contact that stops just short of rape or attempted rape, which includes fondling and sexual touching. Of the 200,780 victims in 2004-2005, about 64,080 were...

Words: 2291 - Pages: 10

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Cultural Difference

...transmitted from generation to generation. In the United States alone, there are several cultural differences. People do not dress the same, have the same religion, people have different perceptions of the world around them, have different languages, and also have different ways of expressing their personality. Differences between individuals within a culture are much greater than differences within groups. A person's belief, personality, sexual preferences, social standing, education, among other factors affect human behavior and culture. Recognizing and understanding differences in cultural patterns provides a framework for interpreting goals and behaviors of others. The purpose of this paper is to analyze religion and sexual identify/ orientation and point out their significance in understanding cultural differences. Religion Religions throughout the world are distinct in differences and relationship, with some having faith in saints, some in sacrifices and some in multiple gods. Religion is observed throughout the world in unlike traditions in few factors or other and can affect an individual’s behavior in his or her own tradition. According to Santrock (2010), people in numerous traditions will carry on the religion that he or she was educated; people carries on the religion in which he or she was informed through his or her parents. In the U.S. the most general religions observed are Catholic, Protestant and Catholic. In spite of being the most general religions every religion...

Words: 1207 - Pages: 5

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Human Resources Sergeants

...The Role of the Human Resources Sergeant in The Profession of Arms Staff Sergeant John Marple 42A3O, ALC Phase I, Class 002 Instructor Sergeant First Class Tim Fields September, 3 2015 An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms The United States Army is a Profession of Arms. The Army consists of unique experts that require years of study and practice to become professionals. Society is dependent on these professionals for the security of this great nation. Human Resources Sergeants are one of the many professionals in the Profession of Arms. Soldiers are expected to kill or give their life in this profession. The Human Resources Sergeant may not be a highly trained killer, but he or she is no less important in the profession. The Human Resources Sergeant is a vital role in the Profession of Arms. A profession is an occupation that requires the mastery of complex skills or knowledge. The Profession of Arms is different because of its use of lethal means. This difference causes challenges building trust with the American people. The Army must constantly re-earn the trust of Americans through our ethics. Each Soldier must live the Army values each and every day to ensure this trust. Soldiers must continue to master their occupational skills. The Army’s Profession of Arms provides a vital role to the safety of the United States....

Words: 722 - Pages: 3

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Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. Cultural Values and Impact on Society

...Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. Cultural Values and Impact on Society Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. recently purchased and merged with all of the Ameristar Casinos, but in particular, the property located in St. Charles, Missouri is where Taliah will be conducting her cultural audit. The gaming industry is such a crucial part of the entertainment business worldwide. The casinos and gaming industry in the United States alone experienced very strong growth in the past years during the post-recession period. As the U.S. economy seemed to degrade, gambling was there to try and bring it back up. The US casinos and gaming sector had a total gross gaming win of $95 billion in 2012. Pinnacle has nearly doubled their profits in the last five years. This company seemed interesting because of how much they are expanding and how quickly. Their motto is “to be the best in the world”, and so far they are putting up a good fight to get to the top. Being discussed in this audit are the cultural values of Pinnacle and the reasons behind their success, ranging from their loyal employees to their properties that are beautifully designed. Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. is a gaming and hospitality company created in 1938 and whose headquarters are located in the Spring Valley, Nevada. Since then, they have undergone many name changes, property purchases, and expansions. The original shareholders included some of Hollywood’s biggest names, such as Walt Disney, Mervyn LeRoy, and Bing Crosby...

Words: 3340 - Pages: 14

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Theory in Practice

...challenges of the 21st century has huge influence on their ability to manage their classroom dynamics. Thus teachers need to engage with resources that enable them to provide substantial attention to learners, learning, and human development. Knowledge of the domain of educational psychology is a central resource to the teaching enterprise and to the preparation of teachers. Teacher who have knowledge of the psychology of learning, development, and instruction are better able to facilitate the learning and development of each individual student as they possess a broad and deep understanding of children, the subjects they teach, the nature of learning and schooling, and the world around them. As a student teacher specializing in the foundation phase of learning I have decided to investigate several aspects of Childhood Development and Educational Psychology. Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg are well known educational psychology theorists that have significantly influenced today’s educational thought systems. Each of these theorists identifies several different Developmental Stages of personal growth. I have decided to draw on these theories in order better understand...

Words: 5271 - Pages: 22

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Knowledge Management in Organisations

...CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 Background Information of the Study The true importance of knowledge and Knowledge Management in today’s organizations cannot be overstated. Knowledge has been recognized as a form of capital for the organization and provides the only sustainable basis of competitive advantage that many organizations possess. Unlike many of the other types of capital that appear on an organizations’ balance sheet, existing knowledge more-readily lends itself to “recycling” to generate new intellectual capital for the benefit of the organization. Knowledge is truly re- usable and can be integrated in many different ways in order to make it maximize its value. If we are to take full advantage of the existing knowledge within an organization, then we must develop strategies and implement policies and procedures to manage the knowledge environment. An organization can help itself make optimal use of this strategic resource by first understanding the environment in which the knowledge processes will be operating, and then implementing effective and efficient knowledge management techniques to support the environment. The question of “how” knowledge management is implemented to create value within organizations has been studied in recent years. These studies have evaluated knowledge management styles, enablers, and processes with respect to their impact on organizational performance as well as the structure of the organization itself. The theory and models...

Words: 4727 - Pages: 19

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Csr at Koto

...the early 1990s and attracts more and more attention as the norms, policies and perquisites protocol of international trade have sharpened the development process. Today, companies gain competitive advantages not only by quality of product and service, pricing strategy or location but also by their consideration and responsibility for the environment and community. While CSR is a growing movement in the hospitality industry in Asia, there are only a few enterprises really pay attention to CSR in Vietnam. One of the most outstanding program is carried out by Joma Bakery Café, which is called ‘’The Joma Way’’ (1). The program includes three main initiatives: -Donate 2% of revenue supporting grassroots initiatives focused on meeting basic life needs -Offer training and growth opportunities for disadvantaged persons -Involve in community activities by event sponsorship, employee volunteerism, and creating spaces for people and causes to connect. As hospitality industry contributes a sizeable carbon footprint, it is important that enterprises should develop CSR Programs as means to positively impact environment and society. This paper aims at analysing a CSR model named KOTO and the reasons to adopt this program as a part of business...

Words: 1645 - Pages: 7

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Human Development in the Social Environment

...Human Development in the Social Environment Roshunda Butler BSHS/325 July 28, 2014 Sandra Mathews Foundations of Human Development in the Social Environment Studying the undercurrents of human behavior prepares a foundation of knowledge that builds practice skills.   The crucial step in helping a client is assessing, which includes determining and investigating the changes that affects a recognized problem or issue from a wide range of opinions.   There are several reasons why people react and act in the manner they do and it is the human service professional’s job to verify that reason.   An ordinary development milestone has serious impacts on clients and the social workers must understand these milestones to provide information to the clients.   Proper assessments of client behavior are relevant to the biological, psychological, and social development systems that operate together and affect behavior. Biological, Psychological, and Social aspects of development The fundamentals of human development in the social environment must concentrate on the dynamic interactions between biological, psychological, and social aspects of development. The understanding of human development requires the comprehension of the various ranges of issues, people are facing as they continue progressing in life. For instance, a medical illness such as anxiety can provide insight on the dimensions of development. According to Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2010), if a person is diagnosed with...

Words: 947 - Pages: 4

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Meaning Nature and Kinds of Disability

...Organization (WHO) has defined learning disabilities as a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. Somebody with a general learning disability is said to have a significant impairment of intellectual, adaptive and social functioning. The way Learning Disability has been defined has been changing over different phases. The term has experienced a shift in dominance from Physicians to Psychologists and most recently to Educationist. The shift has been from an evaluation phase to instruction, education and training. Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV 1800-1930 1930-1960 1960-1980 1980-Present / / / Foundation Phase Transition Phase Integration Phase Contemporary Phase Phase Details Foundation Phase During the Foundation Phase, medical theories of brain function and dysfunction were formulated. Transition Phase Transition Phase emphasised more on the Clinical Study of the Child by Psychologists Integration Phase Integration Phase was characterized by the rapid growth of school programme for learning disabled children Contemporary Phase The current phase is an eclectic approach with a shift to the Educators. It is a coming together of the doctors , psychologists, parents and teacher with ultimate responsibility lying on the teachers The term Learning Disability actually was coined in 1963 here in Chicago by Dr. Samuel Kirk. Earlier to this varying confusing labels...

Words: 2253 - Pages: 10

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...Solving the Dilemma A Leader’s Guide to Managing Diversity Increasing workforce diversity has become an inevitable fact of organizational life, but it is still unclear whether this increasing diversity has a positive or negative effect on organizational performance. Leaders seeking to manage diversity effectively should consider research findings that suggest that when the tasks to be performed are complex, diverse workgroups produce more creative and innovative solutions and achieve better results than workgroups that are more homogeneous; for less complicated tasks, however, the complex dynamics of a highly diverse workgroup can actually hinder the work process and lower performance. T he first and foremost task of leaders is to successfully implement organizational strategies. In today’s business environment, one of the critical elements of achieving this goal is effectively managing an increasingly diverse workforce—teams of people of different races, cultures, religions, languages, and so on. Corporate strategists are increasingly viewing workforce diversity as something that can drive organizational value by sparking innovation and increasing competitiveness in an ever more global marketplace. Often overby David L. Dinwoodie looked, however, are the leadership challenges inherent in managing people who have vastly different backgrounds, traditions, motivations, and concerns. In facing these challenges, it is essential for leaders to consider that individuals draw...

Words: 2489 - Pages: 10

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Nurse Patient Relationship

...Nurse-patient relationship According Cutliffe and McKenna (2005), research, theoretical and educational literature on interpersonal relations between nurses and patients has proliferated since the 1960s.  This has generated a range of divergent accounts of what the nurse-patient relationship (NPR) ought to be, how this should be achieved, and how the NPR is constituted in practice. I have chosen the concept of nurse-patient relationship because this relationship is viewed as the essence of nursing practice (Moyle 2003). This essay’s aim is to demonstrate my understanding of the concept of the nurse-patient relationship through utilising relevant literature and relating this to a specific incident in my practice-experience. I will briefly explain an incident which I was involved in prior to identifying and discussing the significant aspect of the incident. Peplau‘s (1953) interpersonal relationship model and Rogers’ (1951) model of Self-Concept in mental health nursing will be used. I will then reflect on my learning and how this will impact on me as a registered mental health nurse.   According to Julia and George (2002) a concept is an idea, thought, or notion conceived in the mind. These ideas or thoughts may be experimental or actual, depending on their ability to be observed in the real world. Meleis (2007), on the other hand, defined a concept as a term used to describe a phenomenon or a group of phenomenon. Nursing theories have been defined as reservoirs in which findings...

Words: 2421 - Pages: 10

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Mergers and Acquisitions

...merger, the newly created entity pools the best features of the two merging organizations. A well planned process built on the foundations of an open, honest and consistent communication strategy can pave the way. Mergers and acquisitions have become a common phenomenon in recent times. A merger of the size like HP-Compaq has implications for the workforce of these companies across the globe. Although the merging entities give a great deal of importance to financial matters and the outcomes, HR issues are the most neglected ones. Ironically studies show that most of the mergers fail to bring out the desired outcomes due to people related issues. The uncertainty brought out by poorly managed HR issues in mergers and acquisitions have been the major reason for these failures. The human resource issues in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be classified in two phases the pre-merger phase and the post merger phase. Literature provides ample evidence of difference in between the human resource activities in the two stages: the pre-acquisition and post acquisition period. Due diligence is important in the first phase while integration issues take the front seat in the later. The pre acquisition period involves an assessment of the cultural and organizational differences, which will include the organizational cultures, role of leaders in the organization, life cycle of the organization, and the management styles. The mergers often prove to be traumatic for the employees of acquired...

Words: 3465 - Pages: 14