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Life of Planet Earth


Submitted By ampapp
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Week 5: Assignment 1
Religious Life on Planet Earth
Anna Papp
Prepared for Professor Laila Ghauri
REL 212, Strayer University
July 30, 2012

As an alien who has landed on planet Earth, I would have to base the criteria on what my location is. The first thing is to observe the area that I am in as it may be different than other parts of the world. To some, religion consists of explanations of existence (or ultimate meaning) based on supernatural assumptions and including statements about the nature of the supernatural, which may specify methods or procedures for exchanging with the supernatural. In using the term supernatural, this is explained as somewhat mysterious forces or entities that are above, beyond, or outside nature and which can control, suspend, alter, or ignore the natural order (Stark, 2007, p. 46).
There are many definitions available for religion so I felt it important to use one that can be applied to all religions, as there are religions that could be viewed as having no god/gods at all. Most religions seem to follow a particular pattern: it is an experience of what is considered Unseen Reality; involves the person’s whole being; it is the most shattering and intense of all human experiences; and motivates the person to action, through worship, ethical behavior, service, and sharing with others in a religious grouping (Fisher, 2011, p. 10). The criteria that I will use to determine if Earth is a religious planet will be based on what the followers may believe and practice as a result of their religious preference. There are several different religions located on planet Earth and Christianity, in its many forms, is a good example of being quite possibly the largest religion in the world. This is because Christians outnumber Muslims by more than three to two, Hindus by more than two to one, and Buddhists by more than five to one (Stark,

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