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Listening Styles Paper

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“Listening is much more than countenancing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings.” (Beebe, Beebe, Redmond, Geerinck and Salem-Wiseman, 2015, p.113). Through this we can solve someone’s problem by listening properly. “In addition, it’s vital not only to know your own preferred listening style but also to understand the listening style of your communication partner.” (Beebe et al, 2015, p.117).
Section 1: Documenting Use of the Skills
For the purpose of this assignment, I will analyze a communication episode recorded on October 28, 2015 at 1:11:09 pm at Simulation Lab of MacEwan University. During this, I acted as a listener and my classmate Manpreet as a speaker. In the whole communication process, I tried to use multifarious strategies of an effective listening as to attain the purposeful results. I used the skills like paraphrasing content, minimal encouraging, active listening …show more content…
In overall episode, I used most of the paraphrasing content, minimal encourager as leaning forward, nodding head, advising, active listening, making gestures and postures by hands and facial expressions to make a positive reaction and interest of the speaker. More oftenly, I used verbal minimal encourager by saying “Ok” and “Yes” (Timings - 1:44, 2:27, 3:13, 3:25, 3:56, 5:13, 6:57, 7:17, 7:32, 7:41, 7:45, 8:31 and 9:26 respectively). On the other side, the areas where I lacked some of the skills usage which functions as roadblocks. Many of the times, I distracted the speaker by moving chair, my feet, hair setting and rotating pencil (Timings – 0:19, 0:31, 4:24, 5:16, 8:41, and 10:04 respectively). All such things are enough to deviate the concentration of the speaker. We can say they are the barriers of the communication. At the end of the conversation, I gave a feedback to the speaker. (Timings – 10:11 to

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