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Lloyd Moody

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If a person is writing an academic discussion paper, quoting the book or author he is analyzing means he is using a primary source. On the other hand, if the writer is quoting or paraphrasing an opinion about the book or author from the source means he is using a secondary source. Depending on the type of essay, both primary and secondary sources are acceptable options of any writing. Applying the right type of sources is an important part of an essay to make your arguments more credible, understandable, and clear to the readers. Although primary sources are the first choices to make any paper more credible as well as stronger, using secondary sources in your paper would support the point which is made by the primary source.
A primary …show more content…
One of the key methods to keep your paper attractive to the readers is to add stories that can support your thesis statement. For instance, Lloyd Moody?s story, of a divorced family, mentioned in the paper, ?I have no hope for my parents ever getting back together. I did when I was younger, but eventually, reality hit me, and I have no desire for them anymore.?[footnoteRef:4] Stories help the audience to relate that experience with them. Having a story in the writing is very important, not just because it makes the paper more credible, but also it gives a seance life to your paper. In addition to proving the thesis by gathering statistics, data, or researches done by others, stories are essential to grab the readers feeling. [4: Natnael Tebeje, THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL ABSENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN, (Research, Colorado, 2018) …show more content…
In other words, this type of sources are second hand materials that can be found in different formats, such as in journals, newspapers, magazines, and so on. Secondary sources are fundamental for writing papers such as a research paper. In addition to providing additional evidence to the readers, most writers would prefer to use secondary sources as a supportive material. Out of the many benefits of secondary sources, connecting the thesis statement to the primary source, and helping the writer to deliver his/her thought in different way are some of the advantages of using secondary

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