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Managerial Dimension


Submitted By lilibeth3
Words 316
Pages 2
The textbook discusses managerial dimensions in the context of conducting good research and that the research follows a scientific method. The managerial dimensions of the scientific method are listed as: 1) purpose clearly defined, 2) research process detailed, 3) research design thoroughly planned, 4) high ethical standards applied, 5) limitations frankly revealed, 6) adequate analysis for decision maker's needs, 7) findings presented unambiguously, 8) conclusions justified, and 9) researcher's experience reflected

(Cooper & Schindler, 2011, p. 12).

Each managerial dimension promotes effective research by creating a framework that will promote a complete story with each dimension providing support for another dimension. Effective research provides clarity and information in the support of reaching a decision or answer to the dilemma that is posed. The dimensions create avenues of validity when questions of integrity or choice are raised.

The desired results of most research is in the production of answers or decision options of a defined or proposed dilemma. Each dimension helps ensure that all of the necessary questions have been asked within a designed structure capable of producing valid results. High ethics aid in the creation of accurate results that address the topic at hand and don't stray off on tangents. The attention to detail creates the clarity that will support the defined problem. The dimensions reflect the experience, which aids in the credibility of the research.

The inherent value for me as a manager is a repeatable process, that when executed, provides consistent and believable results. Without some model of consistency, I could be viewed as someone who does not know what I am doing, and I am just creating results to suit my own whim as I progress along. If my career depends on my research credibility, each project will

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