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Maria Assessment


Submitted By nydiamont
Words 892
Pages 4
Running head: MARIA’S ASSESSMENT 1

Maria’s Assessment
Ethical or Multicultural Assessment Errors


Please include an introduction to describe for the reader what you will be including in your paper. It is a great way to outline the key requirements and expectations for the assignment. In scholarly writing it is important to include the introduction to provide the reader with a lens for understanding what will be presented in your application paper.

The three errors the teacher made with Maria was electing to conduct no informal or formal assessment, opting to conduct assessments in English only, and not taking into consideration the environmental and cultural difference (e.g. worldview) hindering Maria’s emotional and academic development. According to Whiston (2013, pg. 323), “Knowledge of using appropriate appraisal techniques with diverse population is crucial,” the teacher’s inability to do so indicates restricted and potentially unsuitable methods and actions in acknowledging Maria’s culture (e.g. worldview) and the significance it plays in her education and emotional anxiety at school.

Counselor’s Perspective on Errors The practice of assessment entails the collection of information in order to analyze, identify, evaluate, and address the issues, difficulties, and circumstances of the client in the counseling relationship. Not assessing a client either by informal, formal, or both types of assessments leaves the counselor with no way to identify difficulties, plan interventions, evaluate and/or diagnosis a client, inform the client, and stakeholder (e.g. parents, teachers). According to Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) (2012), Standards for Multicultural Assessment, counselors necessitate being knowledgeable of a variety of types of assessment tools in

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