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Market Expansion for Electronics


Submitted By Itheniel
Words 2637
Pages 11
Export Department

Country Analysis Report for International Expansion

Market Analysis for:
Brazil, China, Russia, South Africa, and United Arab Emirates



1. Foreword 2. Evaluation Criteria 3. Country Analysis – Demand Factor: Population 4. Country Analysis – Demand Factor: Number of Subscriptions and Percentage

5. Country Analysis – Demand Factor: GDP per Capita and Growth Prospective.

6. Country Analysis – Cost Factors 7. Country Analysis – Sociopolitical Factors 8. Conclusion - Best Country for Potential Entry 9. References


1. Foreword

Hydis Electronics currently has the highest market share of mobile phones in South Korea. We have been focusing heavily to reach the status of market leader in our domestic market, but the Korean market for mobile phones has reached a plateau and our growth has been slow during the past few quarters. As such, we should now focus our strategies on expanding to foreign markets as a new engine for our company's growth. Possible candidate countries for entry were Brazil, China, Russia, South Africa, and United Arab Emirates (UAE). The goal was to figure out which country would have the highest potential profit as well as future growth for our company while having low risk involved. Upon careful analysis of the economic conditions and the business environment of the candidate countries, Russia turned out to be the best candidate for our possible entry

2. Evaluation Criteria

In preparation to expand to foreign markets, the opportunities and risks involved with expansion must be carefully analyzed in order to pick the markets with the highest potential for long term profit. In doing so, an

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