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Martin Luther's Influence On The Roman Catholic Church

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Martin Luther changed the course of history by opposing the Roman Catholic Church, and forming the first Protestant Church, the Lutheran Church. He protested against the injustices the Catholic clergy and the pope were making against the poor believers of Europe. Without Martin Luther, the Protestant Church, with its estimated 800 million members, would not exist.
Martin Luther was born on November 10th, 1483, in Eisleben, in the Holy Roman Empire. He was born to Hans and Margarethe Luther. He was a German, who became a priest, hymn-writer, and founder of the Lutheran Church.
Hans Luther wanted Martin to have a successful life and be a lawyer, so he enrolled him in schools in Mansfield, Magdeburg, and Eisenach. Martin also enrolled at …show more content…
However, he felt spiritually depraved, and felt far from God. He got his priesthood, and, in 1508, began teaching theology at the University of Wittenberg. While reading his Bible, Luther read Psalm 22, and Romans 1:17, which says “The righteous will live by faith.” These verses changed Luther’s view of Jesus, and made him realized that many of the Catholic Church’s teachings were not scripturally based. In the year 1516, the sale of indulgences for the St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome began in Germany. Luther was extremely opposed to indulgences, which inspired him to write The Ninety-Five Theses. This protested the sale of indulgences and argued that salvation is not earned, but it is given by Jesus by faith in Him. He nailed The Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg. This went unnoticed by Catholics outside of Wittenberg until Luther made copies and distributed them with the help of the printing press. Several times, the Catholic Church gave Luther the opportunity to recant his claims. He did not, and even said that he believed the pope was false. The Catholic Church told him that he could be

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