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Measuring User Satisfaction from E-Government Services


Submitted By cheam1972
Words 912
Pages 4
Alawneh, A., Al-Refai, H., & Batiha, K. (2013). “Measuring user satisfaction from e-Government services: Lessons from Jordan”, Government Information Quarterly 277–288.

This study is about the identification of the determinants that influencing the users satisfaction towards e-Government services portal which was held in Jordan. in other words its about the determination Jordanians’ e-Satisfaction with Jordan’s e-Government services portal. Five factors were identified through past literature review includes security and privacy, trust, accessibility, awareness of public services, and quality of public services, that may affect the Jordanians' level of satisfaction towards using the Jordan e-Government portal ( The survey was done among 400 employees in four universities in the northern region of Jordan and based on the data collected, it was used to test the proposed hypotheses. By using the multiple linear regression and factor analyses, the empirical analysis demonstrates several key findings which indicate the usefulness and importance to unveil the key drivers of e-Satisfaction in providing portals which are compatible with citizens' needs, desires, and expectations. The research problem is that the online user's satisfaction is a multi-dimensional construct combining technical, behavioral and marketing determinants that affect acceptance, usage and users' feelings after use of any technological innovation whereby it is a crucial factor for continual usage of e-Government services and for the success or failure of e-Government projects. The objective of this study is to examine the determinants of e-Satisfaction level with the Jordan e-Government portal by Jordanian citizens. The literature review part was good since its covered all the past related studies in measuring the e-commerce success. The researchers also provide the table which shows the systematically arrangements of the overall references for each variables. Besides, the researchers also provides the in-depth information for each variables as well as the previous works in a similar study. The main variables include security and privacy, trust, accessibility, awareness of public services, and quality of public services. Usually, the user satisfaction has been studied based on the productive and economical measures by using service quality models such as SERVQUAL and WEBQUAL. The five determinants in this study combine security, privacy and accessibility as technical constructs; trust and awareness of e-Government public services as behavioral constructs; and finally quality of e-Government public services as productive and economical constructs. This is parallel to the past study, Lucia and Victor (2007), mention the use of SERVQUAL because of the technical dimension, functional dimension as well as image dimension.

For the research methodology, a sample of 400 employees working four universities at the northern region of Jordan was selected as a unit of analysis. However, the returned questionnaires was 220 having the response rate of 55%. Unfortunately, among the returned questionnaires there are 14 of the questionnaires invalid, which resulted in 206 usable questionnaires. According to Sekaran and Bougie (2013), based on the rule of thumb sample sizes larger than 30 and less than 500 are appropriate for most research. The questionnaires consist of 36 questions and distributed via email. As for the result, security and trust are not significant, meanwhile accessibility, quality of public services and awareness of public services are significant. The findings for accessibility are consistent with Zavareth et al. (2012) and Dixit and Data (2010). Meanwhile, the findings for quality of public services and awareness of public services are also consistent with Dixit and Data (2010), but definitely contradict to Zavareth et al. (2012). However, the significant differences is the findings for trust and security in this study was definitely contradict to both Zavareth et al. (2012) and Dixit and Data (2010) because of differences in culture and application.

The recommendations include first for the practicing, especially to e-Government planners, strategists, administrators, and policy makers in Jordan, they must better understand what key factors/determinants of e-Government satisfaction they ought to focus on in order to improve the overall satisfaction of Jordanians. Second, for the theory for future studies, they should be focused on more than the five variables used here. Since its cannot fully explain the factors influencing users' satisfaction with e-Government services. In addition, different geographical region results different findings because of different culture in different region. Since the past studies shows certain differences in findings, therefore, the findings is not applicable to all countries across the world, which means it might not be true under all circumstances such as culture in various countries. As a conclusion, this article journal providing me the knowledge of the measuring e-commerce success which can be measured through users satisfaction such as trust, security, accessibility, quality of public services as well as awareness of public services. In simple words, these elements are important in understanding users satisfaction especially in government portals.


Dixit, N., & Datta, S. K. (2010). Acceptance of e-banking among adult customers:

An empirical investigation in India. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce.

Lucia M. A. & Victor P. R. (2007). Measuring the results in B2C e-commerce. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 279-293.

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building

Approach (6th Ed.). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Zavareh, F. B., Ariff, M. S. M., Jusoh, A., Zakuan, N., Bahari, A. Z., & Ashourian, M. (2012). E-Service Quality Dimensions and Their Effects on E-Customer Satisfaction in Internet Banking Services. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 441–445.

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