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Medical Assistant Scope of Practice


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Medical Assistants Scope of Practice
In the States of North Carolina and South Carolina
Anaees Robinson North Carolina
The North Carolina Society of Medical Assistants or North Carolina’s government doesn’t define the particular scope of duties for medical assistants. Medical assistants can expect to help physicians and nurses with the clinical and administrative duties, according to the health care setting. Medical assistants can perform certain tasks as directed by the physician and perform such task under the direct supervision of the physician.
General duties for medical assistants in North Carolina include:
• Drawing blood
• Welcoming patients
• Call prescriptions into pharmacies
• Update medical records
• Document medical histories
• File insurance claims
South Carolina
In the South Carolina Nurse Practice Act, medical assistants are in the category of “unlicensed assistive personnel”. Medical assistants perform task that do not require specialized training. Medical assistants can perform routine tasks like a licensed nurse. Nurses and physicians may assign tasks to the medical assistant be have to be present to supervise them at all times. In South Carolina, medical assistants are not allowed to administer medication, but can administer injections such as the IV and are not authorized to initiate IV therapy without certification. Radiology procedures are prohibited.
General medical assistant duties include:
• Meeting the patients’ needs for personal hygiene
• Meeting the needs relating to nutrition
• Meeting the needs relating to ambulation
• Meeting the needs relating to elimination
• Vital signs
• Maintaining asepsis
Understanding medical assistants scope of practice before you begin working in the medical field is highly important. Knowing the rules and regulations of medical assisting tasks helps to avoid legal and matters, while providing the best care of the patients. References
Medical Assistant Cerification Guide (2015) Retrieved from
State by State Medical Assistant (2015) Retrieved from
Medical Assistant Certification (2015) Retrieved from
Medical Assistant Certification (2015) Retrieved from

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