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Medical Pluralism In Health Care

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Medical Pluralism
From the complementary medicine context, notes Marian (2007) medical pluralism donates to the recognition and acknowledgment of various healing systems entrenched within their respective culture. Reeser (2014) observes that pluralism is legitimized through chief principles of political and social justice namely the right to free choice and freedom. In this context, pluralism is closely linked to the four biomedical principles of ethics, respect for autonomy in particular. Other biomedical ethics principles include justice, nonmaleficence, and beneficence (Marian, 2007). These biomedical ethics principles define the various duties of health care providers. However, applying or executing such principles in specific cases at the edge of both biomedicine and CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) may prove to be particularly difficult. …show more content…
Despite such, recognition and acknowledgment of medical pluralism can be beneficial to health care professionals in ethical deliberations associated with CAM (Tilburt & Miller, 2007). This paper is divided into three sections. The first section presents an analysis of medical pluralism concept. In the second is a case study of a challenging aspect of health-seeking behaviour along with an analysis on how medical pluralism can help resend to the situation. Finally, the third section provides a conclusion that follows the analysis from the two

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