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Mergers a to Z


Submitted By swatuuu
Words 103115
Pages 413
More Praise for the Second Edition of
Mergers & Acquisitions from A to Z
‘‘Sherman and Hart have done a terrific job assembling and synthesizing the basic, yet critical, issues to be aware of before/during/ after the deal. A well-rounded, up-to-date primer filled with pragmatic information that will serve as an excellent reference regardless of the reader’s M&A experience.’’
—Edward J. Hayes, Jr.
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Quantum Corporation

‘‘After reading Andrew’s book, it became clear that his insight and processes assist entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses.
Andrew’s book offers guidance for non–U.S.-based businesses considering mergers and acquisitions in the United States.’’
—Nancye Miller, CEO, EO
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization

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Andrew J. Sherman and Milledge A. Hart

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