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Mergers and Acquisition


Submitted By busmaan
Words 570
Pages 3
Mergers and acquisition

Mergers and acquisitions refer to the business strategy involved with combining, buying and selling of companies. Mergers and acquisitions are done mainly for value creation for shareholders. When a company acquires or purchases another company that is called acquisition and when two companies combine together as single new company, it is called a merger.
This essay is intended to present an overall idea of mergers and acquisitions. First part of essay will cover types and concept of mergers in brief and second part will elaborate the concept of acquisition and intentions which may cause the acquisitions. Lastly, a conclusion on the basis of the study will be presented. Mergers
Merger is "voluntary amalgamation of two firms on roughly equal terms into one new legal entity." ( From business structural perspective, following are the types of mergers. When two companies are in direct competition and share the same product line, their merger is called horizontal merger e.g Diahatsu Cuore. A supplier’s and a company’s merger is called vertical merger. e.g wood supplier and furniture maker. When two companies have no common business areas, their merger is called conglomeration. e.g a chain of restaurants with a chain of schools.
Mergers are always backed by beneficiary intentions which are ultimately for value creation for shareholders.
Economies of scale could be attained by a merger. Joint organizations have greater ability to negotiate with suppliers while placing their orders. Mergers could also translate into cheaper per unit production cost by having larger orders of production. To stay on top in the competitive market, companies have to be the technologically up to the mark and must have a good business development strategy. This could on to be competitively the best which could be

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