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Microsoft Compensation and Benefit System


Submitted By r8chjc
Words 1662
Pages 7
Compensation and Benefits System of Microsoft

MGMT 365

February 23, 2014

Compensation and Benefit System of Microsoft Microsoft was founded in 1975, and is the worldwide leader in software, services, and solutions (Career). Microsoft is proud to offer great products and employ outstanding people. Previous Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer once said, “There are many things that are true about Microsoft. We have big goals, big dreams, and big aspirations for the future. We are both competitive with our products and in the way we attract and retain talent. For me, the most important factor is competition for talent, because I know our success comes from the people who work here” (Foley).
Listed at number 76 on Fortune Magazine’s 2012 “100 Best Companies to Work For”, the survey lists the average annual pay for salaried position as $132,023, and for hourly as $61,245 (Fortune). The most common salary job is Software Development Engineer, and the most common hourly job is Business Support (Fortune). There are currently 100,932 employees worldwide, with 59,197 of those employees being in the United States (Career).
As with any company, Microsoft works hard to provide a compensation and benefit system that will attract and retain quality employees, while also choosing incentives and perks that will set them apart from competing firms such as Google, Apple, Oracle, and Facebook. According to Microsoft’s website, they are widely recognized as a leading company for offering one of the strongest and most comprehensive compensation and benefits packages in the country (Benefits).
Their compensation package boasts competitive pay, bonuses, and stock awards (Benefits). Microsoft offers a very comprehensive health benefit plan that includes medical, dental, vision, prescription drug, and disability coverage (Benefits). Microsoft is proud to offer a Smoking

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