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Mkt Syllabus


Submitted By vividxiaoxiao
Words 9115
Pages 37
American University
Department of Business
The University Catalog and Student Handbook supplement this syllabus and are available through IAU
Online as a digital soft copy. Please make sure that you review the University Catalog and Student
Handbook so that you can be successful in this course.

4201 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #610 ♦ Los Angeles, CA 90010, CA, U.S.A. ♦ T: (323) 938-4428 ♦ F: (323) 938-4-4429 ♦ E:

MKT 500C Marketing Management
Instructor Name:
Instructor Phone:
Instructor Email:
Campus / Room:


Christopher Lloyd, MBA
(310) 594-1023 Main Campus – B


Fall S2, 2015
6:00pm - 10:00pm
October 26, 2015
December 18, 2015

Christopher Lloyd earned his MBA with a concentration in Information
Systems from California State University Long Beach in 2012. Professor
Lloyd teaches as an adjunct professor for courses in management, marketing, business, information systems management, and computer information systems for undergraduate and graduate level courses. His responsibilities include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and attending conferences and symposiums addressing strategic management, digital marketing, and search engine optimization.
Professor Lloyd's "learning through application" approach earns him high praise from his students. His genuine interest in their career advancement and personal betterment can be seen in each of his lectures.


While relatively new to academia, professor Lloyd is no stranger to helping others understand the nuances of effective management. As a principal of his own small business consultancy and digital content generation firm, professor Lloyd has 9 years of experience leveraging his business and digital

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