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Mobile Phones and Driver Safety


Submitted By Enet123
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Pages 7
Mobile Phones And Driver Safety Mobile phone use behind the wheel is the major cause of motor vehicle accident in the United States and around the world that results in traffic collisions, property damage, injuries, fatalities and death. A growing number of people are using mobile phone while driving to stay connected with friends, families, co-workers and result in motor vehicle accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that 1.2 million crashes each year involve drivers using mobile phones for conversation and at least 100,000 additional crashes can be related to drivers who are texting (NSC 2011). Every year nearly 1.3 million people die and 50 million are injured as a result of motor vehicle accident (NHTSA 2011). These deaths and injuries have a huge impact on families and communities life. Mobile phones first came into the market in the mid-1980s in the United States and have science showed a dramatic growth all over the world (CTIA, 2000a). Over the previous period in the U.S. alone, mobile phone subscribers exceeded 267 million and placing it among the fastest growing industries in the world (CTIA 2008).


The latest data available from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that the majority of mobile phone owners use the device while driving. According to reported, in USA today in 2007 about 11% of the population used a phone while driving during the day (O' Donnell, 2009).

Such fastest growth of mobile phone use while driving causes social, economical, political and environmental problems. This issue has increased awareness in many developed and developing countries and has received increasing scientific attention. A different group such as wireless communication industries, as well as traffic safety groups, have begun an educational campaign and urge the safe use of mobile phones while behind the wheel. Many governmental organizations, businesses organizations and policy makers understand the danger of cell phone use while operating motor vehicles and are taking actions to regulate or prohibit to decrease cell phone related accidents. The scope of this research paper is to assess the dangers of mobile phone use while operating motor vehicle and its consequence on traffic safety to increase the effectiveness of mobile phone regulation. The first and most dangers of mobile phone use while driving motor vehicle can cause thousands of death each year. Driver growing use of mobile phone while driving has inspired considerable scientific interest, with the most of the researchers focusing on the negative consequence of cell phone use on the driving skills and road safety. Researchers have witnessed that using mobile phone while operating motor vehicle can force drivers to take off their eyes from the road, hands from the steering wheel and their attention from the surrounding situation. Such activities can decrease driving capacity and results in tragic motor vehicle accident. In 2008, more than half million people were injured and around six thousand people were killed in motor vehicle accidents involving mobile phone use behind the wheel (USDOT). For example, two scientists were killed in Utah in 2006. According to Utah police report, Reggie Shaw a nineteen years old college student crossed the centerline and clipped a Saturn sedan causing the car to spin across the highway and hit at oncoming the pickup truck. Authorities were unable to determine the initial cause of a crash but after investigation Shaw was texting immediately before the accident happened (Thomas E. Sherzan). Second, Engaging activities such as making phone call, texting, watching video, chatting on Facebook, tweeting and regulating the GPS navigator can destruct a driver to react carefully to the traffic condition such as traffic speed, direction, road condition, traffic signals, ability to response to the immediate breaking and keeping lane and result in traffic collisions and property damage. It costs too much money to repair the vehicle and there are also related costs such as health care, ticket fee, let or lost work time and increase insurance payment. The Harvard Center for Risk Analysis estimated in 2003, crashes related to the use mobile phone while driving can damage country's economy. For example, according to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration more than six million police reported automobile accidents occurred in 2001 were associated with mobile phone use behind the wheel and costs $230 billion annually (NHTSA). In 2003 the annual cost of crashes related to the use of mobile while, driving increases to $43 billion annually. This potential risk to the country's economy is the result of dramatic growth of mobile phone use while driving each year. Third, an increase in motor vehicle accident related to use of mobile phone while also driving increase injuries and cause people to suffer from posttraumatic disorder. Millions of people are injured in motor vehicle accident related to the mobile phone use while driving. Many of these people develop posttraumatic stress symptoms and suffer to socialize with communities. Patients with posttraumatic stress disorder experience loss of memories and anxiety related to the traumatic event. These also have a huge impact on workforce and safe work environment. To reduce mobile phone, related accident, countries, states, counties, cities, companies and lawmakers have all promising numerous laws in an effort to regulate the mobile phone usage in the cars while driving. In response to the tragic motor vehicle accident that associated with driver use of mobile phone behind the wheel, many governmental and non-governmental organizations and lawmakers have felt to take necessary action to save human life and protect property damages. Among the solution, the first solution is legislation and policies. Since 2000, many states in the United States, including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have enacted specific policies relating to the mobile phone use while driving and shown a high effective measure for reducing motor vehicle accident injuries. For example, Utah amended regulation that anyone caught texting while driving can face a misdemeanor charge punishable by three months of jail time and up to $750 fine (Thomas E. Sherzan). In such way, mobile phone legislation can also shape people's behavior and develop a culture of road safety that results long term reduction of motor vehicle accident. The second solution to the mobile phone use behind the wheel is employer policies. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of occupational obstacles in most countries and leading cause to human and economy losses for many companies and organization. In response to growing number mobile related motor vehicle accidents, many companies and organization enacted the safety policies addressing mobile phone use while driving is the number one road safety risk factor. Many companies banned cell phone use while driving company vehicle to reduce crashes does occur as a result of destructed driving. For example, as a result of an executive order issued by United Sates President Obama in October 2009, all government employees in the United States are banned from the text message while driving on official business or while using a government issued mobile phone (World Health Organization 2011). Public awareness campaigns on cell phone use while driving motor vehicle is another solution to reduce motor vehicle crashes related to use of cell phone behind the wheel. Public awareness campaigns are important tools in both publishing legislation and employer policies and build awareness among the public regarding the dangers of cell phone use behind the wheel. Strong campaigns and creating social norms that shows using cell phone while driving is unacceptable can change societies behavior and judgment towards risks. Technological development also another solution to reduce mobile phone related crashes. In some countries, technological measures are being applied to minimize mobile phone use behind the wheel. For example, some manufacturers have developed smart keys that allow parents to set up maximum speed limits, stereo volume and block mobile reception to control young adult drivers. These solutions have numerous benefits to reduce mobile phone related crashes. As many researchers indicated, legislation and policies, employer policies, Public awareness campaigns and Technological development are shown high effective measures for reducing mobile related crashes that result in traffic collisions and property, injuries and cause and posttraumatic disorder and thousands of death each year. Overall, mobile phone use behind the wheel is a serious and growing threat to the road safety. Making phone call, texting, watching video, chatting on Facebook, tweeting and regulating the GPS navigator are among the activities that can destruct a driver to react carefully to the traffic condition such as traffic speed, direction, road condition, traffic signals, ability to response to the immediate breaking and keeping lane and result in thousands of death, traffic collisions and property damage. It also increases economical, political, social and environmental problems. As a use of mobile phones while driving will continue to increase, many governmental and non-governmental organizations, private companies and lawmakers have felt to take necessary action to save human life and protect property damages. The legislation and policies, employer policies, Public awareness campaigns on cell phone use and Technological developments are among solution taken to reduce cell phone related crashes. All those actions or solution taken by different organization and companies have a huge contribution to reduce human death, injuries and property damage.

Larry R. & Moore, Greggory S. (2001) the impact of cell phones on driver safety.Vol.46 issue 6.
McGarava, Andrew R., Ramsey Matthew &Shear, Suzannah A. (2006). Effects of driver Cell phones use on driver aggression. Vol.146 issue 2.
Sherzna, Thomas E. (2010). Drake law review: the dangers of cell phone use while driving. Vol. 59 issue 2.
Svenson ola, Patten Christopher J. D. (2005). Mobile phones and driving. Vol. 7 issue3, p182- 197. 16p.doi: 10.1007/s10111-005-0185-3
Violanti, JM. (1997), Vol. 111 issue 6.

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