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Texting and Driving Persuasive Paper


Submitted By odimae
Words 1849
Pages 8
Texting and Driving
November 11, 2015

Texting and Driving
Texting is one of the most in demand means of communicating in the world today. One may see it as a simple way of communication but can also be a dangerous and even fatal form of communication. A proper description of texting while driving is the use of mobile phones to compose, send or read a message, to read an email while operating a vehicle (Sole, 2010). It’s very possible for a driver to take eyes off the road for a few seconds to read a message and suddenly a horrific accident occurs. Discussion
Let me start by giving you a few statistics about this major problem on our roads today. Over 70 percent of young drivers maintain that it’s easy to drive and text but it’s not. You find that over 20 percent of the fatal accident have been caused by teen drivers who text while driving. Drivers in their early 20s make up to 27percent of all distracted drivers fatalities. As of December 2012 17.3 billion text messages were sent in the United States alone every month. The current estimate is that at any given time, approximately 660,000 drivers are using their cellphones or other electronic devices while still driving, which has been almost constant since 2010. These statistics are expected to grow by as much as 4 percent every year if we don’t get serious (Berenbaum, 2015). These numbers alone shows you how grave this plague has become, and something needs to be done and fast.
I have chosen this topic because many people are doing it constantly without regard for safety on the roads. Let’s be serious many of you have cell phones, many of you drive, and many of you use them while driving. How can you text and drive simultaneously that is suicidal? Why would you want to put yourself in a death situation?
The increased popularity of electronic devices like mobile

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