Premium Essay



Submitted By tierrabow
Words 9884
Pages 40
1. General Information: St. Petersburg, Russia is the country’s second largest city and is located in the Northwest Federal District. It is approximately 1400 square kilometers in size and has a population of 4.6 million people (as of 2005). The time zone is +3 GMT and +8 from the east coast of the United States.

The government of St. Petersburg includes a governor, a city administration and a single-chamber legislative body, the City Legislative Assembly. In 2006, the governorship became an appointed position. The current governor, Valentina Matviyenko, was elected to the position in 2003, and then appointed by the President of the Russian Federation in 2006.

The main airport servicing St. Petersburg is Pulkovo International Airport. If traveling by train, St Petersburg has five railway terminals – Baltiysky, Finlyandsky, Ladozhsky, Moskovsky and Vitebsky – within its borders.

St. Petersburg features an extensive public transportation system consisting of an underground metro, trams and buses. The underground metro system, the most efficient of the options, opened in 1955 and features five color-coded lines. The fare for the underground transport system is always the same, no matter the distance traveled, and can be paid by token or metro pass.

2. Recent foreign investment: In 2009, the top five countries investing in St. Petersburg (categorized by percentage of total investment volume) were Belarus (15.8 percent), Switzerland (14.7 percent), Germany (10.1 percent), Cyprus (10.1 percent) and Great Britain (9.5 percent). Investment from the United States accounted for 3% of total investment volume. During the first quarter of 2010, foreign investment in the nonfinancial sector of St. Petersburg economy was equal to $1.1 billion. During that time, 90.3 percent of the foreign investment was for manufacturing.


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