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Submitted By Jordy9110
Words 557
Pages 3
Muhammad was born into the most powerful tribe in Mecca, the Quraish. The Quarish were merchants. Several trade routes intersected at Mecca, allowing the Quraish to control trade along the west coast of Arabia, north to Syria, and south to Yemen which made them very successful. After working for several years as a merchant, Muhammad was hired by a wealthy widow to ensure the safe passage of her caravans to Syria. They eventually married. When he was around forty years old, Muhammad began having visions and hearing voices. As he tried to figure out the meaning of these visions, the angel Gabriel appeared to him. This revelation became the basis of the writings in the Quran. These revelations pointed to the existence of a single God, contradicting the polytheistic beliefs of the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula. Initially overwhelmed and afraid about the revelations he was having, he thought about ignoring the messages, but with strong support from his wife, he began spreading the word. As he began speaking publicly about his monotheistic ideas, the Mecca merchants weren’t happy. They were afraid that trade, which they believed was protected by the pagan gods, would suffer. Muhammad was shunned and not welcome in Mecca. Fortunately, he had the support and protection from his uncle, but after his death, Muhammad knew he needed to leave Mecca. Muhammad's mission was to purify the lineage of Ishmael, to separate it from idolatry and to provide it with a clear understanding of God's truth so that it could fulfill a providential role in preparing for true parents. In this way, Muhammad would lay a foundation for true parents with Ishmael's descendants, bringing them directly into the orbit of the central providence of restoration. (Cromwell, 1993) After many years of teaching and spreading the word, Muhammad and his followers set out on a pilgrimage to Mecca. He met

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