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Multi-Layered Security


Submitted By Allen21
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Multi Layered Security Plan

Multi Layered Security Plan

Richman Investments

1) General

This MLS plan will give a brief overview of the security strategies that will be implemented at each level of the IT infrastructure.

In this Multi Layered Security Plan we will describe how we will improve the security of each domain and how to protect our information. We will update all firewalls on the infrastructure and secure our ports that are open and stop incoming traffic that is malicious. All anti-virus software will be updated throughout the company. All IT employees will be informed about the new MLS Plan that we putting into effect once the Senior management approves it.

2) User Domain

a. The usage of security awareness training to instruct employees of Richman Investments security policies

We have to train the employees on the protection of their user IDs and login information to the companies system. Show the employees how to create a better password and security questions and not to write there passwords down on sticky notes to help remember. Making them aware of friends, family, or people that ask questions out of the ordinary, because the questions could possibly your security questions or part of your password. The user only has three attempts and they are locked out and will have to see a admin to be unlocked.

b. Auditing of user activity

We will watch how the users go about their daily activities on the company’s internet/network and make notes on what we see to be as an opposing threat to the company itself. Monitoring how much bandwidth is being used and for what, also if any employee tries to load out of company software or use flash drives from home will be locked out immediately and then be questioned about

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