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Submitted By MunchMunchMunch
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awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw awawawawaw

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Unit 09 - P5

...Name: Live Right Eat Good. Aims: The aims of the campaign is promote a sandwich store and encourage eating the healthy option when hungry on lunch breaks or finishing work. Name: Live Right Eat Good. Aims: The aims of the campaign is promote a sandwich store and encourage eating the healthy option when hungry on lunch breaks or finishing work. The campaign will be promoted through bill-boards a recognisable person in the local area will be as a model in the promotion. Business cards will also be used. The campaign will be promoted through bill-boards a recognisable person in the local area will be as a model in the promotion. Business cards will also be used. Target Market: The campaign is targeting workers on who are their breaks, ideally industrial workers as they will need something that will give them amounts of energy for their practical work. Target Market: The campaign is targeting workers on who are their breaks, ideally industrial workers as they will need something that will give them amounts of energy for their practical work. In regards to this campaign and the products being used, the demographic has been selected as they will generate the most sales and profit. In regards to this campaign and the products being used, the demographic has been selected as they will generate the most sales and profit. Target Market Target Market Campaign Brief Why that target market has been selected is because on breaks at work, workers tend buy the quickest...

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