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My Leadership Philosophy 1


Submitted By suntzu69
Words 592
Pages 3
My Leadership Philosophy
Write a thorough yet concise statement about your approach to leadership to include what you believe about: * Leadership and how it works * The important characteristics, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of a leader * The role of followers * The role of the context within which leadership takes place. * How all of these things come together in the leadership relationship * How they influence each other
Write a thorough yet concise statement about your approach to leadership to include what you believe about: * Leadership and how it works * The important characteristics, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of a leader * The role of followers * The role of the context within which leadership takes place. * How all of these things come together in the leadership relationship * How they influence each other

My Leadership Philosophy

My Leadership Philosophy
My leadership philosophy is straight forward and deeply rooted in my twenty-five years of experiences in the military. As a leader, I believe that all members are vital to a team. Leaders are made they are not born. I believe it is possible to learn to be a leader. Leaders learn from their experiences and interactions then adapting their leadership style as necessary to deal with different personalities and evolving situations. Good leaders possess a combination of many traits that shape and define their leadership philosophy.
The important characteristics, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that make up the core of my values are aligned with the seven core Army values, (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage), the acronym is LDRSHIP. * Loyalty - Bear true faith and commitment. * Duty - Fulfill your obligations no matter what. * Respect - Treat people the way you want to be treated.

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